
I want to organize a fund raiser.?

by  |  earlier

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I've been considering trying to start some kind of fund raiser. I feel it's important for anyone to make the effort, and it would make me feel like I'm really helping out. I'm not sure whether I want it to be for a local animal shelter (if I can find one that does NOT put the animals down) or for a local environmental cause. I have no idea where to start...




  1. First find the charity you wish to help. Then get their permission to hold a fundraiser in their name.  Ask what guidelines they have. Once you have accomplished this then start thinking about related activities to raise money or goods.  If you go with an animal shelter, you could host an animal walk, dog obedience contest or best looking dog.  Or just designate a single day place and time and ask people to drop off supplies for the shelter.

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