
I want to own a horse but how do I get one?

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How do you get land and a ranch? I want them near my house but I don't want to have to pay anyone to keep them.




  1. YOUr out of luck there if you dont want to pay nothign, it cost a great deal to buy a horse and bording it plus food ECT ECT

  2. first ask yourself this:

    1 horse costs between $7,000-18,000 a year can you afford this?

    2 Do you know how to take care of a horse properly? Do you know first aid? The proper feed management and DV%? Do you know how to deal will illness?

    3 Are you experienced enough to handle a horse if he freaks? If he becomes barn sour?

    4 Do you know the laws regarding horse keep? zoning, bylaws, regulations? If not then you could be imprisioned and fined and your horses taken away. This happens often

    5 Do you know the proper denist, vet, farrier to care for your horses?

    6 If you have the land you are tied down to the horses forever. Forget going away, forget a vaction, forget working overtime, or going to parties, or bars, or any other social events in the morning and evening.

    7 Are you read to provide for a horse for it's entire life? or will you sell him when he get too old? Horses can live well into their 30's and 40's if cared for properly. Can you be tied down to this for 40 years?

    8 Make sure it's not a phase, be honest, do you enjoy horses but prior enjoyed other activity? if you don't feel you are ready to commit your life to a horse, do not get one.

    9 If you have never been around a horse or are considered a novice by a ARIA certified instructor, you should not get a horse. They require far more than most people think and you will get injured if not educated properly.

    10 Ask yourself if you will have the time to feed it 2-3 times a day, water, muck, clean, groom, and condition. This takes 2-4 hourse at least a day. Do you have this time?

    If you are very horse expreinced, I wonder why you are h=asking how to get a horse and land, but if you happen to live in some kind of sub rural community where there is land for horses but has pockets of residental, then it is understandable. Also if you learned in the shelter enviroment of a poor riding school or one that prefers to keep their students in the dark about the trading business, which unfortunately happens to more people than it should.

    A horse is best bought from the original owner or breeder. They can tell you the horse's history from the begining. It is best to get an already broke horse. For first timje owners I always recommend a slighly aged horse of around 10 but no older than 15 as this age range is best. The horse has experienced a lot and is less likely to be flighty. Horses 7 and under may not have to proper exposure yet. Never get a horse under 4 unless you have extreme expertise in rearing and training horses. If a horse can not be aqquired this way, a private sale can be done. Look on the interent, paper or at local shows. Do NOT ask a horse dealer or school, as they will often lie or make the horse out to be what it is not as they see you as a way to get rid of a useless horse. Now you are stuck with it. Private sales need a bit more skepticism, as do all, but be sure everything the owner says is true. Ride the horse, care for it, bring it on the street, do everything you can to be sure. Beginners must not buy from auctions. Unless they are accomplied by an honest and very skeptic professional. They must also be on your side, not interested in commisson or being paid to get you a horse. Having a pro do this will cost money, but if it is the right person it will be cheaper in the long run. Auction horses can be bought for as little as $50, but be aware of very cheap horses. Auction horses of good quality can range from $500-$5000 depending on the type of auction.

    For land, you will need to take out a morgage and buy land with horse facilities. Proper facility ranges from $150,000-over 1 million for very nice set ups. DO NOT BUILD YOURSELF, many horses and people die from uneducated people building horse barns, rings, and rooms. They are different from people homes. You can have a stable built, the cheapest of units costing about $7,000 including labor. Depending on the laws, zoning, and availablity dictates the amount of land needed per horse. 1st time horse owners need only 1 horse. Regardless of law a healthy minimum requirement is 3 acres per horse. NOT dirt acres, pastured acres with grass and proper forage. This may need seeding landscaping, and other requirements. Also the fencing should be approved for livestock. Regardless of location the land must be zoneed

    A-1 to keep horses and livestock. Other zoning may permit horses but with limits.  So know you have a moragage, if you bought the land and built up it is cheaper but more frustrating and can take up to a year for your house to be built. But remember, your still paying the morgage on the land and the house/apartment you are living in now.

    Bottom line- this is a huge thing to undertake. I was born into this business and operate at the best standards. Every horse owner is required to meet specific needs or they themsleves can be imprisioned, fined, and loose the right to have their horses. Be sure your are absolutely commited for the rest of your life to do this. If not, take lessons, do a free lease, or volunteer at an equestrian center until you feel this is something you want to do for the rest of your life. Remember the 10 intial questions at the begining of this. If you can not agree to even 1 of them you will find yourself in trouble. On top of that you still need to pay their feed bill, water, electric, vets, farrier and more. If you are ready for the horse but not the ranch part, try doing rough, pasture, or rough pasture board. You will be responsible for the horse's care, but your not paying a morgage, risking credit, or life restricted. If you can not get there, you can call and ask someone to feed, or apply first aid. Also there is no need to rush into getting a horse because you want one badly. Search for the perfect horse. I search for years for the next lesson or competition horse for my school. I look through hundreds of horses, most of them excellent animals, but they simple are not right and it is unfair to the animal and you if you are inadquit.

    If you can meet this, have the money. time, and deidcation than that is excellent! but do not rush into something over your head. If you are ready be sure to take your time and search for the perfect horse.

    be safe and good luck

  3. If you want a horse, you need to pay money for it, and additional money to board it somewhere. If you don't live in the country, then by law, you need to board them at someone else's ranch. To get a ranch, you need to buy a house in the country and buy the land around it from whoever owns that land. I payed 2000$ for my arabian horse, plus I pay 500$ each month just to board her. Horses are very expensive.

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