
I want to peirce my nose myself(not by a Pro)?

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How do i peirce my nose how bad will it hurt i need some one to tell me where to peirce it too please no one tell to go get it done by a pro i know it's better but my parents don't want me to




  1. ok my friend peirced my nose, and it didn't hurt that never got infected or anything, just cuz she knew what she was doin, but u should peirce it somewhere more in the back part of the nostril but not tooo back look at some pics, good luck!

  2. Ok, your parents don't want you to, so surely you will have to take it out anyway?

    but although you have already said don't tell you not too i will just say...

    lets hope you don't faint by hitting your self in the wrong place and then end up stabbing your self somewhere. Honestly nose piercing without training isn't wise, its not an easy place to pierce.

    If you do, just make sure you use sterile stuff and only surgical steel!!

    but seriously it` isn't wise!

    wear a fake?

    i'll leave it with you, good luck!

  3. I got my nose pierced.

    On a scale of 1-10 its about a 4

    It doesn't HURT. it made my eyes water but not because it was painful. just because i was scared.

    Its simple to do it by yourself. you just have to make sure you get a big enough needle. It will bleed so have some q-tips and Bactine handy. Bactine is good for cleaning it to make sure it wont get infected.

    Its all a matter of where you would like it to be. They asked me where i wanted mine and marked the spot with a sharpie.

    Then they just stuck it in. Simple as that.

    Good Luck :D

    If you want to be safe, do some research on it before hand.

    If your parents dont mind, its better i must admit if you go to a professional. But i might as well give you some tips if you ARE set on doing it yourself.

    To get it done can range from $20 to $50 and if you're under 18. you have to sign a paper and have your guardian there.

    Anywho...hope it looks good :]

  4. dont do it its guna hurt  

  5. i think thats a bad idea to do it yourself, unless you own a piercing gun

  6. Well too bad - GO TO A PRO!

    I mean is it that important to you to have the possibility of losing part of your nose - that'll be hott!!??

    I'm serious!! Take it from someone who pierced her own nose - NOT a good idea!!

  7. Well sounds like your underage,so your stuck...Even if you wanted to do it yourself (not smart) you have to be 18 to buy piercing equipment and its your nose kinda hard to hide it from your folks..Best till wait and get it done buy a pro..Don't be stupid and pierce with a safety pin or something like that,think how nice your nose would like look if it got infected and have a really nice scar and maybe a piece of your nose gone....

  8. Don't do it! If your parents don't want you to go to a pro why are they letting you do it yourself?? I really don't think it's a good idea, if your parents are allowing you to get it I don't see why you doing it is better. If they don't want you to get it done, just don't have it!


    that should tell you everything you need. :)

  10. have a trusted friend do it when your drunk or high

  11. my friend peirced her own nose and she got it infected. so just get it done by a pro.

  12. There are a number of things wrong with piercing your nose yourself. There are certain nerves in your nose, that piercers are well informed about. They know specifically how to miss those nerves when you pierce your nose, so that you won't end up with feeling in only half of your face.

    If your parents would rather you pierce it yourself, which I imagine is probably not the case ( they most likely don't want it done at all), then that's stupid. It's a lot safer to get it done by someone who is licensed to do so.

    If you pierce it yourself, you will probably:

    -Hit a nerve

    -Use the wrong type of needle

    -Not know how to clamp your nose

    -Not know how to care for it

    -Not put the correct hoop in.

    Please, please, please get it done by a professional. Yeah, it's $50. It's also a h**l of a lot safer.

    Edit:: By the way, piercers NEVER use piercing guns. It's all done by hand. The only places that use piercing guns are places like Claire's--the ones that have 16 year olds practicing piercing on teddy bears.

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