
I want to pierce my cartilage... ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to pierce my own cartilage. Should I use a thick needle, or jam a sharp stud through my ear? And what should I do to make it not hurt?




  1. please don't do this, its far too easy to really mess it up, go to a piercer please. they use hollow needles which you wont be able to find- if you just jam a stud or needle through you'll have a blunt wound that is much harder to heal. you shouldn't even use a piercing gun on cartilage, let alone a stud!

    home made peircings are much more likely to get infected and possibly damage the cartilage in your ear.

  2. don't do that you will get your ear infected. Just have someone do it with a  gun it doesn't hurt that much  

  3. You actually need a hollow needle for this type of piercing.  Cartilage isn't like skin, and you can actually do some pretty severe damage to yourself by doing it incorrectly, but since you are an immature little twerp who clearly doesn't care about the right answer, since you plan do to it your own way ANYWAY, why bother asking?  Everyone with experience is going to tell you the same thing, if you plan to ignore experience, have the money ready for the doctor bills.  Good luck NOT s******g up the shape of your ear.  And cheers to ignorance.

  4. get it profesional.. why risk your having an ear infection ??

  5. Alright well I pierced my cartilage twice on my own. I used a safety pin and it took a while to jam it through. I didn't use ice, however from what I've heard it does dull the pain a bit. Just remember to take care of your piercing and clean twice a day and make sure whatever you use it clean and sterilized at least in some way. And whoever said to use a gun I wouldn't listen, since there's a chance of your cartilage collapsing and other problems.

  6. well if you are really going to pierce it yourself then i would sterilize a sharp stud and use that. Using a needle and then putting in the earring is a quick way to get an infection. Try numbing your ear with ice, which is the age old way, or maybe get some ora-gel, the tooth pain cream. it might numb your ear with out freezing it lol.

    good luck!  

  7. ignore the other people..


    yes infection could happen, but that's only if you treat the piercing like c**p.

    but mostly you should get a needle and pierce it.

    it does hurt.

    but it's worth it.

    Use ice to numb it and bite on something.

    and just pierce it right through.

    and i'm just just saying, but at sallys they have a little handheld tiny piercing thingy just for this.  it comes in a pack of 2 and idk the price.

    good luck!


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