
I want to plan a party? i need help!?

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i am 16 and my dad said i can have parties over summer at the house. should i invite alot of people, what should i have there? and what can i do? i have alot of expensive stuff in my house and i do not want to get it stolen.




  1. for your party - since you have nice things and dont want it to get broken or stolen, keep it to a managable number - smaller more intimate parties tend to be more fun and memorable.

    I have hosted parties in the hundreds to the 6 and about 10 - 14 including myself is a great number - small enough that you know everyone, large enough that someone will do something silly.

    as for what to do - games of all sorts, music of course, small finger foods/munchies - keep it simple, sodas and etc.   video game parties are always fun (still love them).  a scavanger hunt is also great if you get to a larger # of people.

  2. Movies.  Set up the living room like a theater or sit on the floor and serve popcorn and hot dogs and candy (in bags).  Keep the pause button ready, and when people want to discuss the movie, put it on pause.  Horror (not too horrible), silly movies like s****.-Do, musicals, action - TRANSFORMERS!  Tell everyone what the theme is (but not the name of the movie till they get there) so they can dress the parts and get their snappy comments ready.

    Are you into anime? Find the latest Bleach episodes and do the same.  My teenage daughter and her pals are waaaaaay into anime and they watch it and comment on the dialogue (and make up their own) all the time.

  3. if there is expensive stuff inside, have the party outside. you could  rent a Dj and have everybody dance. Make a bonfire and make smores, tell stories and my favorite part have everybody bring old school notes they wont need and burn them! I wouldnt invite too many people because it could get tooo out of control. You could always have supoer soakers and water balloons because honestly no matter what age you are everybody loves acting stupid (especially guys) Play truth or dare, never have i ever. And if you have a pool have everybody come at midnight for a midnight swim!

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