
I want to plant some cabbage and brocolli, is this a good time to plant...?

by Guest57172  |  earlier

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I live in north carolina, it usually gets cool in oct.should i set the plants out now? Is horse manuer or cow manuer the best to use? We have cows and a horse.




  1. Well depending on what kind of cabbage you have depends on if its to late to do so.For example coppenhagan market cabbage would prolly make it as would early jersey as those are about 55 days and withstand cool nights and days as long as there is alot of sun golden cross is 40 days.Now something like late flat dutch is 100 plus days.

    broccoli will hit you up for 50 to 70 days depending on type.As far as manure goes horse is what i have always use as its a bit milder.Cow is hotter so tilling it in right now and plantting it might just be to risky.To get a head start on it remember the manure is there but not fully broke down so the plants cant get it as easy.Make some manure tea you do that by simply placing a shovel or two of manure in a 5 gallon bucket with water i use a 30 gallon trash can with 3 shovel full of manure.And let it sit a week or so.As it seeps the goodies in the manure will disovle in the water making it easy for the plant to get in a new garden.Remember still use the manure in the soil.Just use both. You can get the same results with miricle grow.Late in the season if there is threat of frost cover with news paper not plastic.I new a old guy in ohio that grew cabbage clear up to nov.He just covered it at night to keep it warm.once it hit freezing he would cut the cabbage.I personaly have never had cabbage still growing past early oct.Be a good learing lesson for ya and us all.Please post and let us know how it went.Oh germinate early by placing seeds in a baggie with very wet paper towel  in a warm window sill for 24 hours will get them things popped up in a hurry cutting germination time in half.also dont plant them very deep this time of year.Go shallow and then build the soil up around the plant once its up 4 or so inches.Im eager to hear the end results.

    Good Luck

  2. Go ahead and set them out..I am In northwest Florida and have had my broccolli,cauliflower,and cabbage out 2 weeks now.I also have swiss chard and mustard greens out...I start mine from seeds indoors and plant in august outside every year...I grow veggies 12 months out of the year..


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