
I want to play a game with Morse Code or to go somewhere where is written in Morse Code. Or into a morse chat?

by Guest63784  |  earlier

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have you some links?




  1. Hi,

    I think i have something for you ? and it's mabey just what you are looking fore ? Take a look at this

    (ps i did type a misake the word "by big" most be "my big") sorry

    TEXT =  Hi hello i'm mebo two from Belgium and i'm a radio freak by big hobby is offshoreradio and it's not alone radio but also music

    CW TEXT  =  .... .. / .... . .-.. .-.. --- / .. .----. -- / -- . -... --- / - .-- --- / ..-. .-. --- -- / -... . .-.. --. .. ..- -- / .- -. -.. / .. .----. -- / .- / .-. .- -.. .. --- / ..-. .-. . .- -.- / -... -.-- / -... .. --. / .... --- -... -... -.-- / .. ... / --- ..-. ..-. ... .... --- .-. . .-. .- -.. .. --- / .- -. -.. / .. - .----. ... / -. --- - / .- .-.. --- -. . / .-. .- -.. .. --- / -... ..- - / .- .-.. ... --- / -- ..- ... .. -.-.

    Here is the same text but in a mp3 audio recording that i made for you at 10 words per minute pick it up at this download link

    This is the webside for CW to use with audio

    Let me know please if this is what like to use i would gald to hear it ?

  2. Try it's not as easy as it looks and I can tx/rx morse at 15wpm.

  3. I dont know if this is what you are looking for but if you have MSN Messenger Plus you can download a script that automatically converts everything you say into morse code!

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