
I want to play hockey, is it too late?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 12, In a year and a half(next winter) i want to play hockey, so this winter ill skate to build up speed, and in summer, ill rollerblade, hopefully by next winter, ill be fast, am i to old to learn? 12




  1. Never too late. I learned to play hockey in my twenties and I now play travel and house as well as co -ed at a high level. It can be done.

  2. dude its never too late to play hockey. I suggest u practice alot on skating. at minor hockey u dont need amazing hands to score a lot of goals and faster players always get more ice time.

  3. No

  4. no its never too late too learn to play hockey.  All regions have house league where you can learn how to play and even if you cant skate you may be able to sign up this season and practice because house league is just for fun. i have a friend who didn'tt know how to skate and he played house league and learned and plus go to your local arena for public skating

  5. its never 2 late and if u aren`t the best skater try skating in goalie gear it helps a lot trust me i used 2 b a wing but now im a goalie and im better than every1 else  ps dont give up

  6. no ur not too old there always looking for and encouraging young players to join the sport

    where i'm playing now we have a shortage of players

    but no its never to late to start

  7. Your never to old to learn to play hockey. I've worked at many hockey schools assisting the instructors on ice and I have had kids similar to your age learning to skate. I would suggest taking some skating lessons or doing some beginners hockey schools this winter. Practice stick handling and shooting and skating, but most importantly skating. Just skate as much as you get the chance to if you have outdoor rinks go to them and once your more comfortable on ice start bringing a stick and puck even if your just skating around. Do that i the winter, rollerblade through next summer and you should be alright. Good luck!

  8. It's never too late to start.  Just skate as much as you can, and I would also stick handle and shoot a ton.  Just be persistent and determined, and you should be fine.

  9. your never too old. I played for 3 years when i was like 5-7 yrs old then stopped and started playing again last year when I was 16 and i'm playing again this season. don't get me wrong it's not easy but if you love the sport is definatly worth it. i was easly the "odd man out at the start of last season but by the end i was in the mix and playing at the average level of the rest of my team.

  10. No....

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