
I want to play professional football?

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I am currently 14 years old and in grade 9. The school I currently attend does not have football (well, it does have flag football and its pretty boring),

but next year I will be going to a different school that has football.

I am 5'9, and weigh 130 lbs, i'm a very fast runner, I am in really good shape and i am planning to put on another 20-30 pounds so i can weigh in the 150-160 range.

What position should i try out for? i'm kind of leading toward quarterback because everybody i played flag football with said i have a quick, accurate throwing arm.

And Also, what is the chance that i will become a professional football player, whether it be NFL, or CFL(canadian football league) or even the AFL (arena football league)?




  1. You never know.  Attitude is everything.  If it's what you want you just got to work at it and you have a good chance to get it.  It's hard to tell where you're going to play because you're still young and you will grow.  My best advice is to work hard at getting in shape and be prepared to do what's asked of you when the time comes.  I hope you have played some hockey so when you finally get your shot you have had some experience with it.  It's a real shock o guys who step on the field the first time, let me tell you.  

    Study the game mentally as well as preparing physically.  Don't just watch football, study it.  

    In the end the coach always has last say where you play.  Size, athleticism and game smarts determine a lot.

    Practice throwing, catching and kicking.  Work on getting a good 40 yd speed and remember to run hard right through the 40 yds.

    Good luck.

  2. Do not think about pro ball yet just focus on getting better and having fun your coach can put you on the right path.

  3. Well, at your size, you're gonna need to bulk up.  Big time.  My high school wouldn't let kids try out for football if they weighed under 150.  And while the quarterback position in high school is largely based on who's got the best arm, 5'9" is really too small to be a QB at the professional level these days.

    Right now, considering that you've yet to play a down of organized tackle football, I'd say your chances of playing pro ball are slim to none.  Then again, no professional league would draft a 14 year old, anyways.  If you're still playing by your senior year of high school, you're gonna wanna look into playing college ball if you intend on playing in the pros.  But even then, you'll need to gain 50-70 pounds by the end of high school to even think about playing college ball.  And even outta all the kids who play college ball, most don't make the pros.

    So, the bottom line is that your chances of playing professional football aren't very good.  I would certainly consider looking at a different career path if I were you.

  4. sorry kid, youre off to a very late start. get a personal football coach to train you outside of school.

  5. cfl! qb!

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