
I want to play rugby. What position should i play?

by  |  earlier

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I weigh 165 pounds and 5' 8" tall, 17 yrs old and active

Resonably fast, agile, broderline puggy,could lose some weight.

Played soccer, esspecaly goalie, so i have a good punting leg

Awareness is my specialty




  1. At 5'8 and if your looking for a future in the sport then Halfback or Hooker.  Its no good going into Fullback or Wing due to your size.  if you want to be competitive then Halfback is for you.  I dont believe that you will end up too much taller than you are so I don't think that mid-field backs will suit you.  good luck no matter what you choose.

  2. you are probobly going to be a back.

    if you can kick then you should see if you can fit in at fullback.

    you will know were you should play after a few games, let the coach put you anywere in the backs.

  3. You sound like a Back so I'll tell you a little about those positions:

    Scrumhalf- kinda like a rugby version of a quarterback, has to pass the ball out to the flyhalf. You usually will need a very nice pass in order to be scrumhalf, but practicing should take care of that.

    Flyhalf- he is the team leader, he calls the plays punts the ball away when the other team gets too close to his endzone, occasionally runs the ball and tends to have a solid pass and good tackling. Awareness is also key.

    Inside or Outside Center- these are the guys that can run the ball but also are very good tacklers.

    Wing- fastest guy on the field. If you are not as good at tackling you may want to start off here since the ball doesn't come here quite as much, but when it does you need the speed to fly by the opposing wing.

    Fullback- last line of defense on the team. You must know how to receive kicks that are punted to you, you must be a solid tackler and you should also be fairly fast.

    In case you really enjoy tackling, you may want to consider being a Flanker, but that is one of the Forwards.

  4. hmmm.... its definitely a tough one to answer but ill try and help.

    it largely depends on your rugby ability and natural ability for the game and your fitness also.

    if you are fast and agile then you're certainly looking to play in the backs rather than the forwards...If you are exceptionally fast then wing might be for you.

    i suggest you're best at starting off at full back or scrum half...

    full back will be expected to catch high balls, have reasonable pace and kick the ball aswell...whereas scrum half must be able to pass extremely well and also have a good kick

    good awareness is good for both these positions so they should suit you. You should try them out first, then decide what is best for you. The scrum half's tend to be a bit smaller also so at 5,8 youre just about in that bracket.

    good luck

  5. Try full back? maybe winger, fly half?

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