
I want to play rugby but iam so weak what must i do to keep my body fit?

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I want to play rugby but iam so weak what must i do to keep my body fit?




  1. Play lots and lots of rugby!!!!!

  2. It depends what position you want to play.  For forwards (tacklers) work on shoulders and arms. You also need to have strong thigh muscles. For backs (runners) work on your legs-you need to be fast to outrun the opponent. Working on your abs, etc helps too. If you're not sure what position you'll play, just jog a lot, work on shoulders and arms, and do lots of stairs (it hurts, but it pays off!)

  3. Lots of gym will surely help. Best suggestion is to go into one and ask the instructor for a generic programme, twice a week.

    When you'll train with the team you'll do lots of physical excercise as well, but body stength is not the only attribute you need. Stamina, speed and of course technique. Do not worry too much if you do not have the size of a wardrobe, some roles can be played by human people too. Scrum-galf, fly-half and wing are roles played by slim people. As well, if you play at amateur level, chance are that you will find people of your same size.

    Do not get too worries!

  4. hey man firstly, u gotta run. and run h**l loads. this will build ur stamina that u'll seriously need to last the whole game. and it will build up ur leg muscles so its killing 2 birds with 1 stone (:

    and then u have to gym. no wait. u must gym.

    1) shoulders (important for tackling u should know)

    2) chest (important especially if ure a forward)

    3) arms i.e biceps/triceps, forearm (u need this to pass the ball around and also to hold on to players)

    4) legs i.e quads, hamstrings, calves (important for running and also to push urself forward when being tackled and held up)

    yep and try to eat more (: gain the bulk and do ur workouts u'll be fine =)

  5. work out i started 3 days ago and i can lift 50 more pounds then when i satarted

  6. I played a couple of seasons of rugby when i was younger.

    In most sports, especially, team contact sports, you need to have some sort of talent of one kind or another if you want to be a better-than-average player, but lack the strength.

    Strength is very helpful in such sports ... but if you don't have strength, you would hope to have some speed to compensate and you would probably play somewhere across the 'backline', preferably towards the wings, especially if you are very light and fast.

    If you don't have either of these 2 physical advantages, you would need to have some sort of intellectual advantage.

    That is, you would need to be able to play or position yourself intelligently, or you would need to be a very good TEAM PLAYER [especially, this is very useful in rugby].

    If you are someone who likes supporting people, or likes to create teamwork, then you could probably be a very constructive rugby player, even if you were not particularly strong or fast ... You can be good because you play with your Head, not just with muscle!!

    Such players can really make a good difference to the team's performance.

    But nevertheless, every ability you develop in life is going to help and be a PLUS in life, including building physical strength.

    So, You don't necessarily have to be a strong person, but it does help considerably if you do build some strength into your system ... plus, you will minimize any injuries you may be prone to, and you are bound to get hurt just like most of the others from time to time.  So, if you're going to play a contact sport, just realize you are going to learn to develop some physical and mental toughness along the way.

    I would have expected that your team had training nights that you would need to attend.

    Can you not get along to them, and practice and get some miles into your legs and system?

    It would probably help build your strength if you included some 'circuit work' in the Gym.

    Usually if you attend or join a Gym they will have a professional there to give you a possible strength-building circuit to try.

    The other is to really develop your skills of the game to a high level, so that any weakness in strength can be largely overcome by sheer skill.

    Anyway, I wish you all the Best with it all.
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