
I want to play volleyball but i do want to make the team. but i did not make it. Do i keep practicing?

by  |  earlier

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I want to play volleyball but i do want to make the team. but i did not make it. Do i keep practicing?




  1. Of course practice makes perfect!!!

  2. hey you dont need to practice if you didnt make the team.

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  3. if u like volleyball, then u gotta keep practicing and try out again next time.  Dont ever give up on somethin expecially if u really enjoy doing it

  4. always practice!

    thats how ppl get as good as they are!


    gl and have fun get  a friend to help you out!it would be even better if they were on the teamm!! so they can give u pointers!

    best of wishes to ya!

  5. Yes I would keep practicing.  Have the never say die attitude.  Maybe go to some camps.  Then when you have the chance next year to try out, use every waking second to impress.  Most coaches look for hustle and enthusiasm.  So I would really work on stamina, and if you don't make it next year maybe you could do cross country, but I would try to make the team at least once more.  Coaches like the never give up attitude.

  6. if i were u i would keep practicing because if u like something then u shouldnt give up

  7. of course you keep practicing! my freshmen year of high school i was too timid to try out although i played in middle school. my sophomore year i tried out again and made the team. i then went to varsity and played club volleyball as well and now in my senior im captain..=] so practice for sure.. i also recommend volleyball clubs or camps..they really help a lot =] good luck!

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