
I want to play volleyball for my school, but I'm kinda short...will this be a big problem?

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I'm like 5' or 5'1"

Thanks for answers!




  1. no I'm pretty short myself and was captain of the v-ball squad at my school. don't worry as long as you can hit it really hard over the net you're set.

  2. wont make a difference jus as long as ur good

  3. Being short is never a issue in sports.  All kinds of sports have all kinds of different positions that can be played.  Each position is unique in it's own way and depending on what position you play is what is required of you.  Everyone in life is not the same size so it would be almost impossible to have a team with all the same heights on it.  Talent and experience is far more important then how tall you are.  Power and coordination is great when playing volleyball.  I was always short and tiny in school and it never stopped me from playing volleyball.  Learn the game, learn the rules and practice will make perfect.  SMILE

  4. I am 5' 1" or 5' 2" Your not short!!! lol I am about the same height as you and I don't have a problem. I can serve well and my spiking is GREAT! Good Luck with your answers.

  5. this just means that you will have to show your team and the coach that despite your height, u are still an amazing player. You will have to pump it up a notch or 2.

  6. um hek no it doesnt even effect the way u play the game! Im 5'2" and i spike all the time. and even if sum1 is short it gives them an advantage at moving their feet quicker playing libero. so play play play! shortness does not affect the game unless ur like 3 feet tall.:)

  7. I loved shorter people in volleyball.  It'll be harder for you to hit the ball over very hard, but you'll be a fantastic setter.  You should work on setting and serving.  All great setters are great servers as well.  After you get bored of that, practise bumping and digging.  While you play, you'll start to get a feel for what you need more practise on, but I loved short setters, it made it so much easier to give them a good pass. I'm sure you'll do fantastic!

  8. definitely can be in a setter's position or a libero or a hitter...i have a short hitter frend and he is fierce...ahahah

    keep on playing!!!


  9. Nope it dosnt!

  10. it dosen't matter if your short or tall you can still be the star

  11. You should tell them that you want to be a defensive specialist.  But if you are quick and athletic and you have a good coach - they will be able to train you to help the team in some way.  Also, there was a girl that was about 5'4" but she could jump out of the gym and she made All State this year.

  12. There was a like a 4'10" girl who played volleyball at my school, no joke.

  13. i was probabaly a lil bit below 5' when i made the JV team last year.

    I was mostly back row tho. but you can still make it, you just prob cant hit front row.

  14. I'm actually the tallest on my team @ 5'10. But my whole team is short. Go for it & follow your dreams. Height isn't everything. We'll play teams where there are tall girls, but yet aren't coordinated. The girl on our team that can jump the highest is one of the shorter girls. Coaches don't want "the tallest girls" but yet the ones that love the game of vollleyball & are willing to bust their butts & hustle. If the coach puts you one the back row as a libero, thats cool too. Defense is very important.

  15. no because my brother and i wached a vollyball game and some of the players were chinese and short. I'm not saying that all asians are short or any thing but the kick asz in vollyball

  16. Not if you jump real high . . . or have really long arms!

  17. As long as you do not think you are too short, you will be fine.  

    I was refereeing a D1 college match.  The big outside hitter twisted an ankle.  Because all other subs were already used, the coach had to use the back row player that was playing in that position already.  She was 5'4".  She did not know that she was too short for the position, so she finished the game with 5 or 6 kills.  The coach played her the rest of the match and she had about 20 kills to lead both teams.  She played the next 3 or 4 matches until the regular front row player returned.  No one told her that she was too short for the front row at the D1 level, so she played great.

  18. You will be fine, just work on you jumping, blocking

    I was 5'4 others were a little shorter than me and some were better, because they were quicker.

  19. well the size doesn't rele matter it is mostly on your strength .

    so if u work at your musles then it wont matter .

    you could be a setter if you can rele get tha ball up in tha air .

    have fun and work at it .

  20. I'm about your height, and I play libero. That would be the best position for you.

  21. u could practice on digging and be the libero for ur team. =]

  22. Yes...and no. Even if you have the skill set, they will still put into consideration that there's always someone taller (which totally isn't fair, but is sadly how it sometimes works). The GOOD NEWS, is that there is always a need for liberos (defensive backrow passers) and because us shorter people have better co-ordination and are lower to the ground, we fit this role well. However, if you want to be more than that, try really hard to prove yourself. Best of luck!

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