
I want to play volleyball in high school...?

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what training should i start now? (im in 8th grade) and what should i know? thank you




  1. u need to no how to ,serve spike, tip , bump the basics oh an never were jewlry an wen the omponent has ball keep knees bent an eye on ball ready to hit an wen ur havin a bad day pretend its the head of the person u hate the most wen ur serving

  2. u need to be able to dig and bump if u cant spike or block ur still a neccessity to a team run a lot do wall sits become familiar with the different defensive sets and what to do

  3. i would say work on the key skills with little exersises

    passing: find a friend and pepper with them

    setting: take a volleyball to bed with you and before you go to sleep set 50 ball to yourself (trust me it works)

    hitting/serving: hit the ball against a wall or just play wall ball

  4. you should definitely get into shape. running and leg work is a good idea. i'd say do some core work out too, such as pilates, and crunches. work on your fundamentals as well too, such as bumping, setting, serving and digging.

    for equipment, i would get kneepads and volleyball shoes. but you don't necessarily need them. i play without kneepads a lot of the time, and regular sneakers are fine. just make sure you're ready to take a few scrapes and bruises.

    when you're training and trying out don't get discouraged! be a team player and have good sportsmanship. coaches look for players not only with talent, but can be a good team player.

    just have fun! :]

  5. I am on a NCAA DI team and we are starting our training right now. granted you are young, you should still trai on your speed strength and endurance. when it comes time to actually start learning how to play and be coached by a coach, you want to be in shape for anything they want you to do. when it starts getting closer to the time for you to try out, like 3 months, that is when you want to start playing more volleyball. but for now it is physical training. good luck

  6. just rember high school is way different from middle school and your skills will need to be good to make the really work hard and try to get on some team either over the summer or something to help with skills..

  7. You should refine your game skills, do drills, get your legs stronger, if you can hon go to a volleyball camp, that would be great for you as you enter high school.

    Good luck !!

  8. You need to do weight lifting and conditioning a lot. PRACTICE!! you should also know that if you make the team that will be your life for the entire season.

  9. this is kinda what i do and they might help

    1. practice outside your house everyday and whenever i have free time

    2. (i do not have a net) so i serve against a wall (you can serve wherever)

    3. camps. camps are very important especially if they are with the school you are gonna try out for because they will teach you exactly what you need to know to make that team

    4. try to find an off season team i am looking (and found a couple) very exsperienced club teams to join in my area with good coaches and it will give you a way to get better off season

    6. go to any open gyms your school or the high school offers and play anytime you get the chance even if it is goofing around with people that arent good u can take it serious (and still have fun) with people that arent taking it serious

    7. if you want to be a libero or deffence work especially on passing if you want to be a setter work mainly on setting, blocker blocking and hitting and verticle jump, hitter hitting jump

    8. make sure you have a good consistant serve

    9. watch as many pro, college, or high school games you can so you know what is expected of you

    10. Look up volleyball lingo so you know all different terms and you can show off your volleyball knowledge.

    hope that helps!

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