
I want to play volleyball next year in 7th grade, how should I prepare so I can be on the volleyball team?

by Guest33672  |  earlier

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I've played a little volleyball since the 3rd grade. How can I get better? What are some more rules. Like what am I suppose to wear and stuff.




  1. You can practice.  During the try-outs, coachs are looking for people with good attitudes.  Also, listen to everything your coach says and try to do it.  If you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask them.  They love it.

  2. Your best bet is to find someone who plays and try particeing with them help them teach u a few things and partice......

  3. Girl, Go to as much volleyball camps as possible.  And well i know that it is a little late, but like next year, play on a summer league.

  4. if you have a high school/college near where you live check and see if they are going to have a volleyball camp. and also check w/ your friends and family and see if they know anything and then ask if they can teach you.

  5. you have to wear knee pads and you really really need to be in shape  because you do a lot of wall sits it's crazzy and you run a lot too!

  6. U mustbe strong.U have to serve well and not a single one mistake.This is a tuff sport beacuse u are in a team an u have to compete in your team not alone.U have to save balls from the ground and pass them to atack.On the field U touch the ball once and on the field with team u have to make only 3 passes.U dont have to toch the net beacause the point will go to the other team.

    There are a lot of rules but if u will play in team school the teacher will learn u!!

  7. Hey! I know what it's like being new in a team, and all you have to do before it is run alot, and jump straigt up on a wall and reach as high as you can. Try to go somewhere that has stairs and run up and down them. Also try doing spike approaches on a wall, or is possible a net. Um... Try passing a ball at a wall and hit it as many times as you can. Also practice diving, that ALWAYS impresses a coach that you can dive, and not be scared. Trust me. I do all of these all the time, and I am THE BEST player on the team. Hope it does the same for you. Oh, and do some crunches and lift some. Just wear a white shirt and a pair of shorts, knee pads, and thats about it.

  8. well first if you dont have a volleyball get a ball and start bumping anywhere you trying out for my team this year and i keep bumpin,seting,and spiking aginst the walls and i gotten better

  9. i am just like you! i have been playing since 3rd and am gonna start 7th. All summer i have been practicing serves, spikes, sets, passes, etc. Just practice ALL THE TIME and you will get better. You probably will make it if you have played that long.

    Good luck!

  10. just strenghthen your legs, run sprints, make sure you stretch a lot to stay flexible, and buy a volleyball and play around with a friend just to get used to the different motions

  11. practice and then ask the couch off hand for some extra help. I used to be that age exept not vollyball

  12. you have to have to have strong arms i mean u have to serve the ball from wut like a little behind the three pt line and make it past the net, and u wanna try to spike the ball to.

  13. exercise, strengthening (weightlifting), proper dieting

  14. stretch practice at least2 hour. and try finding a private coach! no one is perfect so you can get better at certain things. like a jump server. learn your positions!

  15. wear those sweat short shorts a tee and knee things (can't remember what called). i would prepare by running! running! running! and do pushups and situps

  16. just practice and keep up ur stamina. don't worry. you'll make the team. i wuz on the a-team. but there are b teams, c teams, and practice teams too. you'll have to make one of them no matter what. a few summer camps doesnt hurt either. ymca always has those. running two miles every morning like i did works too. be flexible and quick. my dad was the coach and he KILLED me! drills and practices every morning and night.

  17. Well when I was in 7th grade we didn't try out it was in 8th grade. But if it happens to you, then practice bunting the ball and serving the ball. Those are the main 2 things to pratice on. get some knee pads and shoes. and go by this.

  18. i am going into the 7th to & me & my friends r all going to play my school is so small that we dont even have to try out we make the team! but to prepare u & some of ur friends get together & play a couple games or something always helps me!

  19. i want to be in the volleyball team to and what i do is i watch it a lot and i've been reading what the rules are

  20. If you go to some really good camps you can definately learn a lot.. i went to a volleyball camp at the university of texas about a week ago, and i definately learned a lot of new skills that will make me become a better setter.. and after attending that camp, i feel really prepared to back and play volleyball for my school..

  21. practise with a friend or family member i should know i play 4 a select team i think u will do fine

  22. Just be brave and try out.

    My daughter was in 7th grade last year.  She chickened out after one meeting.  After tryouts,  all the other girls asked her why she didn't come back.  Every single one of them said she would have made it.

    She'll never have that opportunity again.  I'm hoping she'll try out this year,  but I can feel her apprehension.    Just do it!

  23. ok i tried out and made the team so if you want to get better, do a lot of sets if you rnt good and run a lot to be able to move around. get used to stretching, excersising, and having sore arms. you will need to build up your arm muscles cuz it can get pretty intense if youre not prepared...good luck!:)

  24. You should wear knee pads. What i do is go to the park where they have a volleyball court, I play with friends.I also run laps and stretches.

  25. right now i'm trying out for volleyball. our coach is working us really hard. but first of all... don't overwork your self. where i am its really hot. so if u start feeling sick take a break and drink little sips of water in the shade. right now we are practicing 2 hours 3x a week. so if it is hot try to do it in the early mornings when its cool.

       we start by doing what he calls "active stretches." examples are bounds, lunges, karoke, side lunges, etc. make sure your taking enough breaks..... but don't drink too much water.

       next we go into actual passing and sets and serves. if u can it would be easier to get a partner and practice throwing with your dominat arm and stepping with the opposite foot. you stretch your arm back like your going to swat a fly, bring your arm down (trying to aim the ball some what low so the person in ready postion is actually bending their legs and not just standing there), and follow through by bringing your arm behind you kind of cupped on the same side. you can practice serves and sets with parteners too having them gently throw or pass you the ball and for serves you should practice overhand. serve it to the other person whos in ready postion.

       then we finish up by sprinting, bounding, and hopping with both feet together as far as we can. that way we can cool down somewhat. so its not just a complete stop.

       also try to get help from others who played volleyball already and coachs because they no correct position. but just know your coach may want you to do it differently so be open to changes. thats all i can say.

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