
I want to play yahoo pool and have been for a while i have pop ups turned on and still not allowing any acces?

by  |  earlier

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had been playing for the last several months. don't know what the problem is, but would like to resume access to the pool room. the closest i get to the screen is waiting for the aplet to come up but never does and i allow pop ups for yahoo games. Would like to know what to do or what the problem is.




  1. you need java flash player thats all i went through the same thing hope i helped

  2. try pressing the control(ctrl) key while clicking on the game you want to play. it works for me!

  3. You guys got to do something about those popups, one just landed over here!

  4. You would never know it but this catagory is for real pool games not video games

    Ask in the right cat. you may get an answer

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