
I want to please my mom, and be who I want to be, but, I want to stay with him.?

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My mom wants me to go to OU (University of Oklahoma) and I think it would be pretty cool to go to it, but we live HOURS away from Oklahoma City. Then here's the dilemma; my boyfriend, soon to be fiance by the hints he's given me, has to go to Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma because of his GPA :/. And I wouldn't really mind going to Cameron, it's closer to home, plus I've pretty much already been accepted because of my ACT score. I'm torn between the guy I'm in love with, and my mom's ambitions for me, and I don't want to fail her like both my brothers have (One works in fast food for a living and the other is living off of my mom in this house)

What would you do? Go 30 minutes away to a town to go to a simple University to be with your love, or Go to a State University to make your mother proud?




  1. Quit pleasing other people"Your mom and your BF" and do what you want to do!  You need to think about yourself and think about what YOU want! Just pretend for a second if you didn't have a boyfriend at all right now and if your mom actually said she doesn't mind where you go as long as your happy(wishfull thinking i know) but if this where true what would YOU do!!  It's your future and your life and when it comes to your career and where you want to be it's really up to nobody but you!  In time your mom get over whatever you decide, and your boyfriend needs to relize that you have to do what you have to do, its being true to yourself!!!  Do what you feel is right and follow your heart, don't worry about them and how they feel right now ,they'll get over it in time, but if you do what you don't want to do your going to regret it in the future, and wonder what would have happened if you chose your own way!  

  2. Easy answer. If your Mom is paying for your tuition, housing and books, go where she says. If you are getting a school loan for everything, go to Cameron. I think the biggest problem here is your Mom is afraid that you won't study and that you may drop out of school to marry your boyfriend or get a job and help pay for his college. If you follow him, assure your Mom that you will put your studies first. Go give her a hug. She just wants the best for you.

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