
I want to prototype a water powered car, either in India or China/Malasia?

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I have contacts in India and/Or China/Malasia.

Any engineer who wants to join me?

I am looking for a design to test.

If you have any concrete designs worth testing please let me know.

feedback/comments welcome


anilinlondon at yahoo dot com




  1. I know how to build a car that runs on water.

    Do i want to share this idea of mine???

    Well maybe i would to the right people.

    What i want to know is who are the right people???.

    does anybody know what would happen to the global economy if we all of a sudden had free energy......

  2. Your idea, though praiseworthy, seems like the ancient alchemists' dream of converting lead into gold. You may succeed in the lab in splitting water into H2 and O2 and burning the hydrogen fuel to produce locomotion, but that may be better suited for a train that a simple vehicle. All the same, the best of luck. The Nobel Prize for Tech & Innovation would surely be yours.

  3. i have designed a wooden car.with a wooden engine and little wooden wheels.only one problem it wooden go.

  4. There is no such thing as a water powered car.  It is impossible.

  5. I respect your initiative. The world needs people like you. So look over your shoulder for the big oil companies. Remember Tesla.

  6. It is impossible to build a car that uses water as its only fuel source.  Basic thermodynamics dictates that the energy output of a substance can be no greater than the energy inputted to make the substance.

    In theory, a water-powered car would operate by combustion of the gas HHO.  This gas is created through the electrolysis of water (HOH).  The electrolysis provides the energy necessary to break the hydrogen bond between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.   When you "burn" the hydrogen gas that is formed, you are releasing the energy needed to reform the OH bond, thereby (in theory) leaving you with a net energy balance of zero (the energy input minus the energy output).

    In order for the car to move down the road, there must be a positive net energy balance.  That extra energy is then turned into mechanical energy to turn the wheels and operate the electronic equipment in the cabin (like your speedometer).

    Keep in mind that the electrolysis process is not a completely isolated system.  There is energy lost due to heating of the components and containers during the process.  Therefore, in reality, the cycle of HOH to HHO and back to HOH has a negative net energy balance.  This will not only keep your car from moving, but it'll eventually cause you a dead battery.

  7. I wish I were an engineer. I'd like to help you.

    If a water-powered car ever became a viable reality, the potential reward for humanity is so great... it would be foolish not to pursue this.

  8. I live in China,and have general knowledge in physics,aerodynamics(I course I'm learning),maybe can help u  


  9. in china ,they are so rich there

    there are millions of people in china ,easy to find a designer or engineer

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