
I want to purchase a projector....?

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I want to purchase a good projector that I can use to watch tv, play video games, and connect my computer to. What is a good projector for that?




  1. What is your budget, and what is your priority? For example, are you talking SDTV or HDTV, or DVD or Blu-Ra/HD DVD?

    Given how far prices have come down in the last year or so, you probably should consider a 720p HD projector ($900+)-- or even a 1080p model ($1500+).

    It's not appropriate to recommend a specific model since every projector is a bit different, with relative strengths and weaknesses.  Given that everyone's needs/constraints differ I recommend you do some reading and select a model based on how well it fits your needs.

    For example, in addition to the obvious things like resolution, contrast ratio and price, you need to consider what type of design it is (DLP, LCD, LCOS), room size and mounting (some projectors are much more flexible and easy to position because of lens shift and a wide zoom lens), brightness requirements, whether portability is a requirement, connectivity, etc. So I'll provide a range of suggestion for recommended projectors and links to reviews (Link 1).

    Of these, the best deal right now is argueably the Mitsubishi HC4900 (2nd link) ... given a $500 rebate offer you can get a 1080p projector for $1500!  Several other 1080p models may be within reach -- the Panasonic AE2000 (3rd link) or the Sanyo Z2000 or the Epson Home Cinema 1080UB (4th Link). Or if you want the best for under $10K look at the JVC DLA-RS2 (look it up).

    In the 720p class of projectors the Panasonic AX200 and Sanyo Z5 are both good choices (See Link 5 for a comparative review of these very similar performing models that perfectly points out the need to consider the details). A less expensive -- and less flexible -- but well regarded DLP model is the Optoma HD70 (Again, look it up).

    I could go on, but I've provided links to the two most complete projector review sites (Comparing reviews can be useful too). The Projectorcentral site also has a good projector calculator which I ensourage you to examine since it demonstrates why it's important to choose a projector with the intended room (and use) in mind.

    Projectors are the big screen display of the future -- as you have concluded it makes more sense than an expensive but relatively small HDTV. But as the article at the last link says, projectors take more care to select and setup to get optimum results. Personally I think it's worth it.

    So -- do your research and enjoy the results. I hope this helps.

  2. I have been researching for the same type of projector.  I plan on getting the Panasonic PT-AX200U.  Great value and 5 stars and also has a gaming mode on it to help with light.  Look it up and you will be amazed.

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