
I want to pursue anthropology in college?

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but im not sure.

what are related majors?

also what careers can come from it and more importantly, what classes can i take in high school to prepare?




  1. When I was in college, I worked at Home Depot. One of my co-workers had a degree in anthropology. You can go nowhere or you can go far with any degree. It depends on what you make of it. She didn't take it very far.

  2. Similar fields in the social sciences would be sociology, archaeology or linguistics.

    Most classes in high school aren't very similar to anthropology, but I would just suggest a good basis of history and English, and a foreign language.

    Careers in anthropology include academics, helping corporations adjust to foreign markets or adapting advertising campaigns to different countries.

    But as long as it's something you're passionate about then it's worth pursuing as a B.A. - it's not like everybody with a degree in English is out reviewing novels.

    I majored in Anthropology, and now I'm a writer. But what I enjoyed about studying it was the wide variety of topics open to me - different cultures, different times, thinking what life is like in different societies - and I think it's served me well in my life, travels and work.

  3. my sister has a BA in Anth. you can do some types of Human Resources jobs. or become a professor like most Anth majors do...joke.

    In High School there isn't many classes related to Anth. I would say it is a mix of Biology and History(without the wars/battles)

    If you like learning about people around the world and what they do and why they do it, anth is a good major.

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