
I want to put a little patio off the side door. What do I need?

by Guest64643  |  earlier

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ok i watch tlc and h&g shows quite often. So we want to do a 12x12 ft patio. so obviously we will need the patio blocks, stones, whatever you want to call them. I want to put down the tarp like stuff to keep weeds from coming through and then put down sand does that sound right or like it would work best? is there something that will make them stay in place best? any tips you have will be appreciated as long as they have to do with my questions(:




  1. first, rethink the 12X12. You need to be 14X14 or 14X16 to make it a usable space.

    You will need 5 to 6 inches of small gravel which goes by several different names like "Screenings" or "Pea Gravel" . leveled with a slight angle away from your house. the gravel needs to be flat and tamped down. then lay your bricks down and finally, use sand to fill in between the bricks. there is some new stuff on the market that is better than sand and will harden so ants don't move in and excavate all the sand out.

  2. if you want them to stay in place you will need a bed of mortar to hold then secure. Just buy several  bags and mix according to directions

  3. don't use a plastic tarp ,,,,,,,,use what they call [i think]weed cloth or weed b gone ...... it should look like a black mesh type stuff to stop weeds and let water drain.... put some masonry sand down[ its been screened of little stones & roots]  place stones or blocks at wanted spacing and fill cracks with more sand water sand as you do and sweep sand into cracks lightly  ...... let dry and lightly sweep off eccess then water lightly again to settle sand

  4. i would dig out 2 inches of dirt or 3" if you want your stones level with the ground,then fill 2" with lime stone, lay your stones,then add polymer added sand into joints to prevent weedgrowth n ants

  5. Yea, you sound like you know what your doing! If you need further instruction you can go to its part of the do it yourself network and they have tutorial videos on the website where you can see a project step by step! Good luck with your project, I'm sure you will do a great job!

  6. I have even used the black felt tar paper which is used under roof shingles. Spread out the sand over that and tap down so it's level...or leaning just a bit away from your house. Put down the bricks or blocks and tap into place so they are level. Once you get to desired size.....use some good treated lumber or red wood to frame it in. The frame will secure the blocks in place and keep them from shifting around. You can spread some sand over the brick / blocks and use a broom to spread it around and allow the sand to settle in between them....this too helps them stay in place.

  7. Hi acdc 24.............Have you thought about a little wood deck with privacy screens or a little poured concrete deck with benches...........just throwing a couple more out there for ya.In the wood ones we sometimes put a little cut in pond in them with running water for sound and a light for the concrete we will show the rocks and put brick pavers for's all fun........not hard to and friend have fun..........nite

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