
I want to put my 22 month old in swimming lesons but do they really learn how to swim so early on their own?

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I want to put my 22 month old in swimming lesons but do they really learn how to swim so early on their own?




  1. when i was 8 i started in a program called swim america and its a progressive program that gets you to a compeditive level. swim america programs are normally associated with swim teams and will teach them proper stroke techniqe for all the strokes, flip turns, dives, EVERYTHING! there are different stations, 1-10.  they start with floating, air exchange, and getting used to the water.  the program is also good because high school swimmers are the coaches and then there is the head coach who makes sure everything is right.  

    i graduated swim america as a 9 year old.  i am 15 now and have been an extreamly successful swimmer on a national level. IT WORKS!!!

  2. have him take swiming lessons

  3. Having taught swimming and been a swim coach for years I can say no, a child that age doesn't have the appropriate musculature to be able to safely be considered swimmers.  You should take them to swimming lessons to learn a healthy respect for water and to learn how to be safe around a pool but they can't correctly learn to swim at that age.

  4. take the baby to swimming lessons but have the teacher keep an eye out for the baby

  5. they do i learned to swim at 13  months

  6. they do learn that young. if you start something at a young age you are more likely to remeber how to do it and you have more time to improve. i think you should put your 22 month old in swimming lessons so he or she could have time to be the best he or she can without worring about anything.

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