
I want to put my leaf blower engine on my bicyle what will ineed to do that?

by  |  earlier

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no smart answers like buy a mopad or a mini bike i want to build one myself i want to put my leaf blower engine on my bicycle how can i do ti and what wull i need




  1. First, determine how you want to interface the output of the engine with the bicycle.  Do you want a friction drive on the wheek, will you install a chain drive, will the chain drive be the existing chain, or will you install another drive mechanism on the front or rear wheel?

    After that is determined, you'll have fewer options of how to mount the engine.  The location of the engine will be determined by how you are powering your drive train.  If you're driving the rear wheel, you might mount the engine on a rack over the rear wheel.

    Don't forget to think about the control systems.  You'll need to be able to start the engine, stop the engine, engage the drive shaft and stop the bike.  You might want to consider a gearing system or a control that allows you to vary the engine speed.

    That sounds like a great summer project.  Have a lot of fun!


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