
I want to put together a non-profit organization?

by  |  earlier

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Without getting into too much detail, I would like to create an organization that helps to defer major vet bills for people that qualify with either low income, or bad break/bad timing situations.

I just think it is so sad that so many pets are either left to die, put to sleep, or are simply left untreated because there is not enough money to treat them. Vets do not offer payment plans, and I don't think pets should be only for the elite. Every family deserves the love of a good dog, and that dog deserves proper vet care if he gets sick.

I thought of this because I have a cat who has twice hit the bad luck lottery. The second was fairly recent, he was diagnosed with diabetes. I barely managed to cover his bills, and it hurts me to know that if I made even $1 less per hour, I might not have been able to come up with the money necessary to keep him alive.

Anyway, does anyone know what I can do to create an NPO like this? What is the first step? Is licensing required? Any info?




  1. Non profits are typically governed by whatever state you live in.  So check the state website to see reqirements but I know you need a tax id and you will definitely need to register with the state as well as reporting to them in some way as they will want to be sure the money goes to organizational expenses or to the cause and not on  ohhhh I don't know a plasma TV for you dog :).  You get what I mean I'm sure.  Best of luck - sounds like a worthwhile cause!!

  2. Are you kidding me?!?  Seiously we can't even take care of the human population on earth and you're ready to start a save the domestic animals cause when the majority of human beings suffer from malnutrition, abuse and etc.  Yes, I understand that its sad but seriously get your priorities straight I mean, domestic animals?  I'm sorry but reality goes that people, pets and all other living organisms will eventually die, tragic but reality.  I'm sorry but I feel that before parading on a save the animals campaign you should look into more serious issues affecting our own race as their are SOOOOO MANY!   The last thing you need to worry about is people being able to pay their vet bill, I mean are you seriously wanting to brng more attention on the domestic animals in america's health than the abused, famisheed children of Africa and other third world countries?  Think about!  

    (Sorry to rain on your parade but face the realities!)

  3. First come up with a plan - short- term and long term (if you are really serious about it)

    Second include in that plan a work and financial plan.

    Third secure the necessary permits.

    Fourth raise funds to sustain your operations.

    Fifth monitor and evaluate accomplishments versus plans.

    Sixth re-plan/update plan.

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