
I want to quit McDonald's really bad, but i have only work for 1 month (need help)?

by  |  earlier

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basically I work once every week and this McDonald's I work for is 30 min. away from home (waste a lot of gas). I have had a terrible experience at McDonald's with angry customers and also the managers are getting mad and annoyed at me for the mistakes I have done and when I need help. I just feel i don't belong there. I know is to early to quit, but I feel that if I don't quit now, then i am going to get fired for the mistakes i have made. what should I do?




  1. start looking for another job and if things get to bad quit.  When your asked why you quit by a new employer tell them you were not getting enough hours to cover you cost be honest  

  2. Anyway McDonald's is bad

    you should check out this website and sign the petition

  3. Dont quit until you have found yourself another job. Just suck it up act happy and handle everything hte best you can. I did that. I quit after a month becase i hated it so much. I was jobless for about a month and a half.

    its really hard to find yourself another job, but believe me you dont have to tell them why, you can family related issues and i just cant do it anymore.    but i say look for another job then quit!

  4. There is no excuse for making mistakes.  The purpose of entry level jobs like McDonald's are to teach you the proper values you need to be successful in the work force.  If you cannot even handle this simple job you are not going to do very well in any other.  Get your mind right, adjust your attitude, concentrate on doing everything correctly and take the initiative to help make the business function more smoothly. Then you will not find it so tedious and you will actually gain valuable experience and habits that will translate well into any other job you get.

    You need to learn the valuable lesson all successful and satisfied workers learn.  No matter what the job, do it well, look for opportunities to do it better and make it your own.  Soon enough you will be treated as a valuable asset instead of just another grunt.  


  5. Welcome to the world of working. In any job, you will have to deal with bosses and angry customers. Do not take any of it to heart. Your managers are just frustrated because working fast food is a stressful job. You are just learning, and it will take several months until you learn how to do everything properly. Try to stick it out a couple more weeks. If you are still miserable after that then quit. There is no point in being unhappy.  

  6. tell the boss u wanna quit or something or just not show up for like a week and then show up and they will fire u lol

  7. How old are you? If your under 18 and you live with your parents then i would say quit. Theres no point in being somewhere you dont want to be, especially if you dont have to.

  8. If you're just a teenager and/or you do not have to support yourself, then I would definitely give your 2 weeks notice immediately, this sounds like it sucks.

    I worked at Subway last summer and it literally was also for about a month, but my parents didn't want me working during the school year...I applied at the end of May, but didn't get the job until the middle of July, and by then I could only work for about a month, then gave my 2 weeks and left.

    But I actually liked it there and so this is really different, but sort-of the same circumstances. So, from personal experience, I say QUIT, you'll be much happier.

  9. If you quit a job, you won't get unemployment.  Working 1 day a week may not get you much unemployment, but it'll be something.  I'd talk to your manager and ask for some mentoring.  Make it seem like you want to try to work it out there and just start looking for another job with the other 4 days you aren't working there.  And if they do end up firing you, you'll have a record of talking to your manager about improving your job (normally you have to  be given 30 days to improve) and you'll have unemployment subsidizing you.  But, why not bust your hiney and find another job with the other 4 days you aren't working at MickyD's?  It's what I'd do.

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