
I want to quit?

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Last year our volleyball team took second place in the pac.We had so much fun and we were a great team. This year we have a new coach that really doesn't know anything about volleyball. She doesn't know how to run a practice, she doesn't know how to make people try hard and listen to her. She didn't cut anyone from the team even the people who despearatly needed to be cut. I am so frustrated and embaressed to be on the team. It really is a huge step backward and I don't know what to do. Some of my old teammates didn't even come out this year and now I wish I hadn't. What do I do?




  1. Before quitting or going over the head of the new coach, try talking with the coach.  Since you are a veteran, see if you can lead some drills in practice.  Try not to talk down to the coach.  Just explain things like you did in this question.  If that does not help, then take some of the actions in the above answers.  

    I hate it when inexperienced people get jobs like that.  Years ago, I was at a restaurant.  The athletic director of a school and all the coaches were at the next table.  They assigned sports to all of the people that wanted the extra pay that coaches earned.  They started with football, then basketball and then baseball.  Then they went to all of the other sports.  It did not matter if they were experienced in the sport.  The only thing that mattered was that they wanted to earn the extra money as a coach.

  2. Try to talk to some one from the sports department or the athletic director.  And explain to her/him the  problem and try to find a resolution.

  3. 1] since you have experience,ask if you can be assistant coach [ maybe with a friend ]

    2] first brush up on all rules and regs for your school/district

    3] organize the practices - routine of exercises, laps, and game practice

    4] set up penalties the way they were before - must attend practices to play, etc.

    5] get a whistle - use for when people don't pay attention or stop practice - more than one disturbance - out of practice, and out of next game

  4. tell someone higher up about the problem and maybe you can get a better coach. otherwise, you and some of your old teammates could help your coach with stuff, like suggest to her, or just go righ tup to her and and tell her everything thats on your mind and maybe the coach will try to change for you. good luck!

  5. My friend had the same problem. The coach was new so she had a hard time but after letting everything unfold the team got REALLY good and she would never stop talking how much fun it was and they ended taking state. If you don't like it still then ask to be transfered to another team

  6. Talk to someone in charge about your concern. This doesn't sound like a team that makes many commitments, so join another league for some more advanced practice so your skills don't go to waste. Remember, this is not the only team like this, athletes all over the world have this same problem; a coach and team that can't challenge them. If you must quit, make sure you have joined another team, and don't make a scene about it. But if you really love volleyball, and want to make an improvement, stick it out, and when it's all over, you'll be glad you were tough enough to get through it. You'll make it! Good luck
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