
I want to quit smoking.. what should i do.. please help me.. its a serious problem

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I want to quit smoking.. what should i do.. please help me.. its a serious problem




  1. nicorette worked for me. Just gotta stick with it man, quitting is the hardest thing you'll ever do.

  2. Quit cold turkey, and stay away from friends that will smoke in front of you that should be respecting what you are trying to accomplish. That would be like sitting a beer in front of a reformed alcoholic. You say that it's a serious problem, so I take it that you are smoking to much and it's starting to bother you. The only thing you need and you seem to have, is the will to quit smoking. Don't start eating a lot or sucking on candy because that will just make you gain weight. The will is the key. And yes for years to come after you have quit, there will be times that you crave for one, but you have to stay strong and tell yourself NO. You can do it and I wish for you the very best young man.

  3. my dad quit smoking by eating tic tacs instead. everytime he had a craving for a cigarette he would suck on a few tic tacs or mentos. it's hard though. whatever you do, don't smoke.

  4. swallow a cig...that'll make u think about smokin again

  5. most commercial things dont work for people and make them sick. you can try them and if it works then thats great. but its more will power then medicine. just cut back more and more. dont stop cold turkey. over a while the smell of cigarettes will start to get repulsive to you and you wont even touch a cigarette. also physical exercise can be used to distract you from the urge of smoking.  

  6. Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes. As soon as I dealt with my psychological reasons for smoking I quit, first time and more importantly for good.

    Once you deal with the psychological side of smoking it makes the quitting process easy, no matter your level of addiction.

    Quitting smoking does not require any patches, gums, herbs or anything like that. These methods are expensive, time consuming and simply do not work. All that is required is a bit of motivation, self belief and determination.

    Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.

    Good Luck and Good Quitting

  7. I stopped by chewing doublemint gum (8 hour gum) and also I would chew up (not eat) straws. sounds crazy I know, but it worked.

    My ex told me if you smoke 1 end after end nonstop thru a pack, you'll be cured and never want another. I didn't try this though.

    Can you say, willpower?

    good luck!!

  8. nicorrete.

    see your doctor

  9. 1. try different things. Try one thing, if it doesn't work, try another.

    2. Keep busy, always. Also, I do 10 push ups everytime I get the urge to smoke.

    3. Cold turkey quitters have the highest percentage rate of success. Though, not by far. It's all mental

  10. Chantix works - I know from experience.  This in combination with scenery away from your normal smoking habitats is the secret to success.  Oh, and a little bit of will-power.

  11. Im not a smoker nor have I ever been. But my dad used to smoke but he chewed the nicotine gum, he quit. Although, he still chews the nicotine gum and its been like a year. My sister smokes and she always trys to stop and she does well and then she hangs out with her friends that smoke and blows it. So I suggest staying away from smokers till you get a handle on it. Good Luck!

  12. go see a doctor about it

    my dad he stopped chewing and went to nicorette gum and now he is addicted on that gum so try to stay way from that but the doctor will help you out alot and give you advice

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