
I want to quit weed?

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i want to quit smoking weed cause im not enjoying it anymore but my best friend loves doing it and when ever she wants me to smoke with her i find it hard to say no cause i feel like im some kind of party pooper and im not really a no person... what should i do?




  1. Your going to have to stay away from people smoking weed.Its like cigarettes , if your around people smoking cigarettes your just going to cave and smoke a butt.Try to emerse yourself in a hobby you enjoy , make sure to occupy your time wisely.Join a club,take classes,go out to social places, get out of your normal routine if you want to quit smoking . Ive been MJ free for about three years. You may have to quit 1-20 times before you finally decide you do not want it in your life anymore.Things to remember are the reasons you dont wanna smoke anymore .My life was passing me by smoking weed, now im enjoying everyday without it . good luck

  2. Just tell her that lately you're not enjoying it anymore and need to take a "weed vacation", any pothead will understand this concept. Then when you still aren't smoking, and she's asking you when the "vacations up", just be like 'Well actually I've found I'm a lot happier without it, so I'm going to see how long this lasts...".

    Maybe you'll end up inspiring her to do the same when she sees how good you're doing.

    Good Luck!  

  3. ask her to respect your wishes and not to smoke it around you.  

  4. grow a back bone

  5. Well do it . And now. And don't care about your "friends". Look for friend in the different group of people. The healhy ones!

  6. st tell her you don't want to anymore ...  that you are more than willing to share a joke or 2 if she is using, but you don't wish to partake ...  if she doesn't understand, then you need a new best friend ...
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