
I want to "find myself", how do I go about doing that?

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I'm 25 years old, I recently had to move back home, I have financial issues, and I find myself being sad most of the time. I would like to get away and "find myself". I don't know hat that means, but it sounds good. I want to start over. I often hear people talk about how they just got up and left whatever situation theat they were in. My problem is, well, I don't have the courage to do that. I'm too much of a chicken to just leave my confort zone, but I'm so miserable. My question is, how do I go about "finding myself". What will be a good place for me to start over? What activities should I do to be at peace with myself?




  1. You should read The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren.  It's an awesome book, and very helpful.

  2. WOW u just explained me and my thoughts exactly to a T so good luck on this one but sorry i don't have the answer to it but would love to no what people answer to this one

  3. There are no quick fixes, but there are gradual changes which will get you on track. Finding yourself probably means being independent and free of your financial situations. But you can find yourself by developing a personal financial "get well" plan. As boring as it sounds you need to establish goals, even if they start out simple like a daily goal. If you want to find yourself learn all about you! What interests you, maybe when you can afford it it will involve travel to get vacation breaks needed from day to day jobs and responsibilities. Do look at the positive things in your life and be grateful. And appreciate that those at home must love you very much and want you to be happy -so reciprocate - be grateful and let them know you are appreciative. Soon you will be on track to gain your "freedom", get back on your own and look back on all you've learned and be proud.

  4. It's normal for people in their 20s to try to specify their goals and their identity.  Just know that it is still developing.  My best advice to you is to get to know Jesus Christ.  Get connected into a great church that teaches the Holy Bible.  Pray about your situation.  You are a child of God and He will never leave you nor forsake you.  You do have courage to do the right thing.  My concern is that you seek guidance from Yahoo Answers, but hey, I'm answering, and I'm leading you to church.  Start there.  You're doing fine.  Trust in the Lord.

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