
I want to raise a family, but fear society will psychologically damage my kids i raise? ?

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do children need a mom and dad or can g*y couples raise children too




  1. In my eyes, so long as a child is given a stable home with parents who love them and support them, it should not matter whether it is two women, two men or a man and a woman that raises them. My mum is not a L*****n lol, but my dad has never been around...i don't think i've missed out on anything by not having a male figure around the house. Not quite the same situation, but you understand my point. There will always be certain people who claim that there is a problem with g*y couples raising children, but this is just their personal opinion. It proves nothing, just that they are ignorant.

  2. I think we live in a world that it would be better to be raised by a g*y family than a straight one. Every g*y person I know is allot more honest and loving than any straight person I know.  Good luck!

  3. Society is always going to be the same no matter your preference! A child needs loving parents no matter their gender! I say we can all raise children no matter what! Best of luck to you!

  4. if a child has g*y parents, one  parent should act like the mum and the other should act like the dad.

  5. Just have one father act like an uncle, then when the child is old enough, tell them.  They may be hurt at first, but then they will really appreciate that you didn't tell them earlier when kids tell their friends everything.

  6. Yes they can. Society won't damage the child as long as their parents are good parents and explain that they may hear a couple slurs at school. I know of quite a few lovely couples that adopted kids and they're perfectly fine. But it's really a case my case basis, are you ready for the responsibility of another human and your partner is as well...then go for it, Whether it's adopting or biologically having the kid or having a surrogate (I've actually heard of a few having babies for g*y couples only :D).

  7. Here's some information on that...

    Homosexual Parenting: Placing Children at Risk

    Issue No.: 238

    by: Timothy J. Dailey, Ph. D.

    A number of studies in recent years have purported to show that children raised in g*y and L*****n households fare no worse than those reared in traditional families. Yet much of that research fails to meet acceptable standards for psychological research; it is compromised by methodological flaws and driven by political agendas instead of an objective search for truth. In addition, openly L*****n researchers sometimes conduct research with an interest in portraying homosexual parenting in a positive light. The deficiencies of studies on homosexual parenting include reliance upon an inadequate sample size, lack of random sampling, lack of anonymity of research participants, and self-presentation bias.

    The presence of methodological defects--a mark of substandard research--would be cause for rejection of research conducted in virtually any other subject area. The overlooking of such deficiencies in research papers on homosexual failures can be attributed to the "politically correct" determination within those in the social science professions to "prove" that homosexual households are no different than traditional families.

    However, no amount of scholarly legerdemain contained in an accumulation of flawed studies can obscure the well-established and growing body of evidence showing that both mothers and fathers provide unique and irreplaceable contributions to the raising of children. Children raised in traditional families by a mother and father are happier, healthier, and more successful than children raised in non-traditional environments.

    David Cramer, whose review of twenty studies on homosexual parenting appeared in the Journal of Counseling and Development, found the following:

    The generalizability of the studies is limited. Few studies employed control groups and most had small samples. Almost all parents were Anglo-American, middle class, and well educated. Measures for assessing gender roles in young children tend to focus on social behavior and generally are not accurate psychological instruments. Therefore it is impossible to make large scale generalizations . . . that would be applicable to all children.[1]

    Since these words were penned in 1986, the number of studies on the subject of homosexual parenting has steadily grown. The fact that these studies continue to be flawed by the methodological errors warned about by Cramer has not inhibited the proponents of homosexual parenting from their sanguine assessment of the outcomes of children raised in homosexual households.

    Silverstein and Auerbach, for example, see no essential difference between traditional mother-father families and homosexual-led families: "Other aspects of personal development and social relationships were also found to be within the normal range for children raised in L*****n and g*y families." They suggest that "g*y and L*****n parents can create a positive family context."[2]

    This conclusion is echoed in the official statement on homosexual parenting by the American Psychological Association's Public Interest Directorate, authored by openly L*****n activist Charlotte J. Patterson of the University of Virginia:

    In summary, there is no evidence that lesbians and g*y men are unfit to be parents or that psychosocial development among children of g*y men or lesbians is compromised in any respect. . . . Not a single study has found children of g*y or L*****n parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.[3]


    Upon closer examination, however, this conclusion is not as confident as it appears. In the next paragraph, Patterson qualifies her statement. Echoing Cramer's concern from a decade earlier, she writes: "It should be acknowledged that research on L*****n and g*y parents and their children is still very new and relatively scarce. . . . Longitudinal studies that follow L*****n and g*y families over time are badly needed."[4] The years have passed since Patterson's admission of the inadequacy of homosexual parenting studies, and we still await definitive, objective research substantiating her claims.

    In addition, Patterson acknowledges that "research in this area has presented a variety of methodological challenges," and that "questions have been raised with regard to sampling issues, statistical power, and other technical matters (e.g., Belcastro, Gramlich, Nicholson, Price, and Wilson, 1993)." She adds, revealingly:

    Research in this area has also been criticized for using poorly matched or no control groups in designs that call for such controls. . . . Other criticisms have been that most studies have involved relatively small samples [and] that there have been inadequacies in assessment procedures employed in some studies.[5]

    Though she admits to serious methodological and

  8. many g*y couples have raised children. I suggest you read this little bit: .

    You can also Google and find tons of articles.

    Good luck.

  9. My best friend’s parents were, and still are g*y.  We grew up together for over 25 years now all the time being in contact with his “mums”.  The whole male female issue is over rated as far as having a balanced child goes.  ALL the kids turned out to be just as unbalanced and messed up as every other kid I knew that had male female parents.  The only odd thing I found is that the g*y relationship seemed to outlast 60% of the straight relationships.  

  10. g*y couples can raise children!

    Kids need: Food. Love. And shelter.

    If the couple with a child can provide this, than all is well.

  11. Who knows why things happen the way they do? There are people male/female couple who are middle class have good kids & everything text book perfect & a kid gets stuck somewhere raped or drugged or both. Sorry, to be so graphic but whether a kid has a great life or not can not be predicted. I would be afraid to have a kid no matter what but I wasn't years ago. So you have to figure it out yourself. A poor kid can grow up with g*y parents or even parents who are not there & be fine in an area where drugs are everyone. So there is no set way for a kid to grow up. I have seen a******s with kids that turn out responsible & I have see really great parents with kids who are a******s. I have seen families where different people turn out differently. So maybe it is a karmic thing like the kid comes into life to experience whatever they are going to experience. This includes having g*y parents. If you do have a kid I would think they chose you on a soul level. If you want to know more about this read a book by Louise Hay "You can heal your life".

  12. g*y people have been raising children for millenia, it ain't no thing. A lot of people act like if you're g*y you don't even know someone of the opposite s*x; that you have no mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, or cousin of the opposite s*x to be a role model for any child you may have of the opposite s*x than you.  Moreover the large majority of children g*y people have are wanted by their parents

  13. you are listening to way too many politicians. A g*y couple can raise children just as well as a 2 parent straight household or a single parent household.

    What a child needs is a person who loves them and will protect them, and raise them with the "right" moral standings to make out world a better place.

  14. Of course g*y couples raise kids kids and are wonderful parents,

    put your fears to rest and have that family!!

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