
I want to raise money for a talent show, how would I go about doing this?

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I want to raise money for a talent show, how would I go about doing this?




  1. you can do candy fundraisers, bake sale, car wash, make things and sell them...hope i gave you some ideas....good luck and have fun

  2. You could try asking for donations from some local businesses, especially ones that are family owned, in exchange for advertising space on your playbill. That's how my church defrayed some of the cost for a play I was in. You can also ask for donations from people in the community or special interest groups like Save the Music. There's also typical fund raising stuff like bake sales, car washes, and buying Krispy Kreme dough nuts in bulk and reselling them. I'm sure you could come up with all sorts of ideas.

  3. My girl scout troop had a Garage/Bake sale and we raised over $500. You could try that. Good luck!

  4. Check out some Talent Shows and find out who have sponsored them in the past from their websites and Try to Reach the sponsors.  Try to share Power point presentation or Photos or Video clips and the Location  as how your Talent show might look like....

    Here is a Long List of Skill and Talent Based contests and competitions . Let me know if it helps you.

    Arts Talent Contests and Competitions:

    Dance Talent Contests and Competitions:

    Education contests and competitions and awards

    Games Talent Contests and Competitions:

    Music and Singing Talent Contests and Competitions:

  5. Well as some people say you gotta waste money to make money or was that my sister?hmm lol j/k. Well you can do a bunch of stuff like if it is for school you can buy candy bars and sell them at you school for about 50cents or a 1dollar. if your school has kids that love candy just do that or you can do a car wash, or get your teachers involved in it have a mini fund raiser.   That can involve you whole school if so.=) Hope i helped!

  6. Turn your talent show in to a talent-athon.  Get the participants to get pledges for the acts they do.  If you have 30 acts and each person gets 50 to 100 in pledges -you are doing awesome!  Its a easy way to make money and people don't feel pressured to buy something (like wrapping paper, chocolate, etc).  Also, maybe a local business will donate gifts that you could raffle off - restaurant gift certificates, free pizza certificates, free oil change, etc.)  Good luck!

  7. car wash! yeahhhhh sounds like fun to me. Ooooh and sell chocolate candy. Those are always good fundraisers.

  8. car washes SUCK for one thing. [in my opinion and experience at least] i mean, most drivers know that they can get a better carwash at the gas station.

             it depends on how much money you need and how much time you have to raise it.

    i think looking for local sponsers is a really good choice, and in turn having a banner up, & put an ad on the bill.

    i like selling cookie dough - because .. who doesn't like cookie dough?

    worse comes to worse - tagging on the street. get permission from your local government and walk around in the streets asking for donations - have some performers that will be in the show on the side of the road in the grass doing their talent.

    ask a local grocery store if you may stand outside and ask customers for donations - you could always ask for the change they just got back, it will add up. again, have some performers there to make people pay.

    have family and friends of people in the show pay $5 for a message to be on the playbill to their "star"

    "Dear Chelsea, you have an amazing voice! Rock it out! Love Always, Mom and Dad"

    if it's a school talent show, have people donate however much they want to see a teacher do something silly.

    "If we raise $100, Mrs. Patterson will get pies thrown at her"

    or, have them pay $1 for every time their name goes in a raffle to be the person to put the pie in her face. most likely people will add their name like 3 times so they have a better chance, and you have $3 that way.

    do all that before the show, then AT the show [which costs however much to get in] announce the winner of the raffle to throw the pies [change this, make it whatever you want]. this insures anyone that paid to get in the raffle will pay to get in the show - just in case they'd win.

  9. car washes! it raised a lot for my band.

  10. well if its a talent show for a school definatly get children who go to that school to help raise money like maybe get them to go to their neighbors or do cummunity service. etc.. hope this helps

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