
I want to renovate my open face brick wall, not sure what is the best option?

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I want to renovate my open face brick wall, not sure what is the best option?




  1. Power-wash, to clean it, and remove any loose mortar, then re-grout the joints with new mortar.  You could even put in colored mortar, BUT you've got to dry-mix enough colored mortar in the beginning, or you'll never get it to match right on the re-mix.

  2. If you are inside and cannot powerwash or sandblast, use my method:   I used wire brushes (the hardware store will know what to recommend)... I bought 5 and invited friends over for a remodeling party. We worked, (it's a chore) and then we ate and admired our work! Remove the loose bits of mortar and choose how rugged or smooth you want it to be. You can remortar gaps if you wish. Have a window fan blowing out to take the dust away. Use particle masks. (cheap paper ones work fine!) Get a shop vac to suck up all of the dust from the cracks and brick face as well as your floors, and then after it is complete, buy some Brick Sealer at the home improvement store and paint the wall with it. It doesn't make the brick shiny, it just soaks into it and stops the dust from falling. (If you skip this... the dust will come forever, it doesn't matter how well you have vacuumed!)

    Good luck !!!

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