
I want to rent a limo for my 13th birthday and get all dressed up but i dont no where to go where should i go?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to make this a birthday i will all ways remember! I want to rent a limo and get all dressed up with a bunch of my friends but i don't know where to go where should i go?




  1. sounds fun, umm go to the city or a show/concert/performance or even a rollerskating or ice skating rink or the pools or movies or even just do what i did, it was so fun and il always remember it- go shopping and watch a movie with a whole bunch of frends. and u no have fun! like find some shops with horrible clothes and try them on and take a bunch of photos lol its really fun.

    hope i helped you. :D

  2. Don't you mean you want your folks to rent the limo and throw you a party?

    I think you are a bit young for something like this.  That is more appropirate for something like graduation.

    Have a pool party, those are always fun, and a whole lot less expensive,

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