
I want to research on WHY we like Music, Taste of food we eat, etc. (not HOW). Can someone suggest?

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I seached but didnt find any work on the PHILOSOPHY of why we enjoy our senses. All available work (perception & cognition) is TECHNICAL.




  1. To differtiate between healthy,easily digestable food taste is used.It is  implanted in our genes generations of exprience,like migratary birds finding their is a ritham produces some frequency ,that sound is enthrilling our nerves,produces some pleasent sensation to our brain.

  2. what is your question?

  3. I believe what you want is to study Anthropology. Remember though to understand WHY you do need to see HOW.

  4. I always believed the purpose for tasting food was to differentiate between poison or rotten food and non-poison just like all other animals. Rotten food typically doesn't taste good and we would spit it out so we don't get sick and or die. Music on the other hand is a phenomenon I don't really comprehend.. like all other forms of art. I think maybe they are simply distractions from boredom.. since we aren't running around wild naked anymore scared for our lives from vicious predators.

  5. Ask yourself that question, after all you are the one who has chosen to like certain music, food, etc...

    Re: Ok, here is an update, perhaps you will find this to be a better answer

    When it comes to food, we are made to "enjoy" fatty foods, and sugars (which contain glucose/glycogen - what makes our muscles operate). This is because, from an evolutionary point of view, fatty foods were very difficult to acquire in the wild for our ancestors, so any scraps that they could get were highly valued when they were starving for food. Now, fast forward into the 21st century, and we still enjoy these foods despite the abundance that they have due to industrialisation and economies of scale. Secondly, when something tastes good (i.e. the fatty foods, for the reason given above), the human body uses "endorphins" and a mix of other "feel good" chemicals to create the feeling of "enjoyment". This enjoyment can become addictive to some people, which can lead to overeating and obesity.

    When it comes to the enjoyment of music, it is an interesting area because there are so many different types of music. For example, music played with emotion, that contains emotional lyrics are enjoyed on one level, whilst rhythmic dance-orientated music is enjoyed on another. When it comes to rhythmic music, the repetition of the beats has an appeal to the human mind, and after prolonged dancing it can create a somewhat hypnotic effect (tribal music for example) - or, it can serve to release nervous energy (for example, when someone is impatient they tap their foot repetitivley, or autistics rock back and forwards in rhythmic ways - with music people can let out a lot of nervous energy). On another level still, music can be enjoyed because at parties it allows men and women to display their bodies in action, with the ultimate goal of attracting the opposite s*x. Also when it comes to music and singing, birds sing to attract mates - and we can see that the most "popular" music singers are highly desired by the opposite s*x. Singing and language are higher functionsm of intelligence.

    But the ultimate "why" - we are complex machines, with an array of "hard-wired" (programmed) behaviours, supposedly created through "evolution", which in turn exists to ensure the "survival of the fittest" which in turn means that "enjoyment" of such things as food and music has been a neccessity for our species to be the dominant ones on this planet - due to the fact that this enjoyment is so widespread in humans. Enjoyment and addiction to enjoyment enhance the perception of our wellbeing ahead of the wellbeing of others (for example, we do not need to eat so much and so many different kinds of meat but the industry is so strong because it "tastes good" - meat industry has created large scale agricultral industrialisation).

    But what about music? I create my own music live at home, and there is a certain satisfaction of hearing a track that I created, as if I have expressed myself through sound... There is also great classical music, or instrumental music, and not the "popular music", but the "real music" that is more personally expressive. This type of music is interesting to study, the "why" we enjoy that is a bit beyond science, at least to my understanding personally.

  6. You should study evolutionary psychology. Your values (what you like and hate) are the result of a process called survival of the fittest. Or what I like to call, survival of the fittest genetic mutations.

  7. Instead of we put humans,and also did u google it cauz i got some answers on it

  8. Wow, I'm so glad you asked this question. I have had the same thought. And it's one of the those things where you really do have to sit down and think about it, why do people like different music and foods. I believe it all has to do with how we were brought up, what we were around, who we were around, and where we grew up. I believe that our own personal enviroment has influenced our senses alot. Food taste is still yet tricky - I'm mean music can be more generalized as an opinion, but taste cannot. When something tastes bad to you - it just plain doesn't taste good to you - that's not opinion - I think taste has to be more scientific, something to do with taste buds. I guess that's just my opinion about that - haha and yes it is an opinion, no solid facts just belief. What do you think?

  9. the answers are avilable to you in yourself. u have millions of kind of food and yet, you, like other few people, like only a few and not everything edible. so ask yourself why u eat some items of food and reject/dontlike other. your will get you answers.

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