
I want to restart my computer and deleted the non safe programs.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to restart my computer to its beginning. I have a Dell computer with a lot of viruses and other unsafe programs. This happen once before and I had warranty. Customer service from Dell show me how to restart my computer and it wipe out all the programs that were installed after I had got the computer. I did not have to use a disc or CD to reinstalled XP and any other programs that were originally on my computer. They all came back up. Other stuff like saved reports and pics were all deleted. But N E ways, I want to do this again to restart my computer to it original state, like when I first purchase it. Does anyone know how? Also I lost the discs that came with the computer, but the way he showed me, I did not need them.




  1. Trying to understand you. If you Have XP go to start>all programs> accessories and system Restore. Reset the PC to a earlier date.

    You May need to reinstall windows using the disc.

    P.s what the h**l did you do to get all those viruses back.  

  2. Have you heard of anti virus programs, or anti spyware program.

    Firewalls. Porbably not, because you tell us, that you had this once before, you were able to fix it, with the help of Customer Service from Dell. Did that not teach you any thing al all.??

    When you have on your computer  an anti virus, anti spyware program and a firewall, there is no way, that you can be infected again.

    I give you a couple of good programs, install them, run them. When you still are infected you can always do the system restore then.

    Anti virus

    Anti spyware


    Hope you learned something out of all this. You asked for help and you got it from several people. Take our advise ok ??

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