
I want to return to work soon after I have my baby and continue to breastfeed is that possible?

by Guest63460  |  earlier

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I have two children who I breastfed for one year each but I was able to stay home with them. I am about to have another baby and I only have 6 weeks to stay home. Will my baby be able to use bottle and continue to breastfeed without nipple confusion? I never had to introduced a bottle to my other kids only the sippy cup at 6 months. Will I be able to pump enough milk to last my baby for the 12 hours we will be apart from each other? Also what type of bottle should I use that is similar the breast?




  1. yes

  2. As long as you pump the same amount (or more) each time during the normal feeding times, don't let stress get to you, and make sure you eat enough, all you have to do is take a strong electric pump with you to work... Battery operated of course. Look for Ameda. They have them in Walmarts. Thats the one I used. Unfortunatly, my shifts were too long and I couldn't take mine with me because I am a server... I don't get paid for pumping my b***s, so my supply died. Get Breast milk sotrage bags. They should be pre-sterilized and you can also get them from walmart. PLEASE do not get a manual pump... They are a waste of time and money, and aren't strong enough. You can store the milk in a deep freeze for up to 6 months (in the milk baggies), in the fridge for 7 days. I started with the Playtex Drop-ins. They are disposable as well as pre-sterilized leaving less wash time for the actual bottle. Laila oves them. They are durable, nice, and work well with most lifestyles., though they are a bit pricy if you buy them indivdually. Walmart (can you tell I love that store?) there is a pack of 8 or 10 bottles and nipples for 15 dollars. Good luck. If you have any other questions about how not to mess up your milk production while working or even bottles, message me.

  3. Pumping is hard work, but if you really want to do it, you can.

    I work & i pump twice at work, i work 8hr shifts.

    My son uses Dr Brown's bottles & switches between bottle & breast wth no problem.

    I suggest you get a double electric pump, those are the fastest.

    God Bless

  4. YES!  I would tell you to contact your local hospital and see if they have a breastfeeding therapist who will have all these answers.  Also, go online and contact the le leche league, which is a group of supportive, breast feeding mothers.  Though I am obviously not one, my wife breas fed our child for 35 months.  Which is optimal for children, according to the U.S. Health Department.  Our child has excellent health and got accepted to a local Magnate school for academic excellence.  Not all of that comes from breastfeeding, but that was certainly one of the places it started.

  5. yes it is possible,what you need to do is also pump your milk into containers even during your lunch breaks so that your flow stays strong and does not abate because your child is not sucking.

    you can keep the breast milk in the freezer and thaw at room temp as needed

    yes your child can use a bottle and still continue to breast feed and you Willl have to go to the store and look for a nipple of a bottle that is soft and a little long and narrow which will most resemble your nipple.

    you may be lucky and your child will still suckle from you well but 9 times out of ten it may not.  

  6. Yeah you can. Just pump. Get those...breast flow I think they are called bottles that are similar to your breast.

  7. I use the evenflo ventair with the big nipple on it.. It says best for breast feeding.. I say just pump as much as possible (which I know is hard at work) I also pump one side while feeding my son from the other when I am at home just so that I have enough milk and its easier to pump while feeding him.. I just usually get more than when Im at work.. Good Luck.. Try not to stress.. Its hard to work and pump but you can do it!!

  8. I would say pump, pump, pump so you can have a good supply. Breastflow bottles are really good at mimicking breast. Pump enough to freeze and keep in the freezer.

  9. I cannot speak for your child, but I pumped and used bottle and breast for all 5 of my kids without them getting confused.  I just used the Playtex bottles with the latex low flow nipples that used drop-ins.

  10. you can do it alot of moms have to just make sure you pump every 3 hours like you would be when you are breast feeding him. spend the money  and get a really good breast pump i went through 3 before i realized i should have spent the money in the first place medela makes awesome ones. as for bottles i used dr browns i love these bottles my son is 7 weeks old and he has not had any problems with them just make sure you introduce the bottle nipple to him within the first few weeks and go back and forth with both so he gets used to them. good luck!

  11. Breastfeed for those six weeks, pump as much as you can and wait until about a week before you go back to work to introduce a bottle.  The best bottle to use really depends on the baby.  I used playtex nursers for my first three but changed to Nuk bottles for my youngest. The nipples for both bottles are very similar. I also know a lot of moms who swear by the breastflow bottles, but they are a bit expensive for me.  Hopefully you have a job that allows you to pump while you are there because that will help you keep up your supply.  I am in the same situation. With my first three I was a stay-at-home mom but with my youngest I had to work and went back earlier than I wanted to (about 7 weeks postpartum).  Luckily she was sleeping through the night because I work the overnight shift as a waitress so I don't have a lot of opportunities to pump when I'm at work. Good luck with the pumping and heading back to work!!  I know quite a few moms in my breastfeeding support group that have to go back to work too so it is very possible!!  

  12. you can absolutely pump for your baby!  they make bottles that resemble the breast very very well to help prevent nipple confusion.

    i used the Adiri bottles when i wasn't able to BF ( i was in the hospital overnight once).

    get a GOOD pump! they are expensive but work wonderfully. try pumping a couple times at work and take a supply to the daycare (or where you plan to keep your little one) on your lunch break. OR you could stop by for a nursing during a break too. *i did that w/my first*

    just make sure that as soon as you are home you nurse a lot to help keep your supply up! nothing works like baby.

    there is a supplement you can take also called Fenugreek, it's saved my supply i don't know how many times!

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