
I want to run an internet business but i dont have any idea what business should i run. could anybody tell me?

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please drop your e-mail adress cause i will give you an incentive if your idea works. thank you




  1. I was looking into this one:

    Which has some good tips. It has ways to get ideas and some great planning stuff too.

    Most of it seems free and might help.

  2. Here are 8 ways to make $1,000 or more every month on the Internet:

    1) Online Auctions

    Ebay is a hotbed of ecommerce activity and rightly so. It is the number one Internet auction site on the planet with millions of dollars worth of goods being traded everyday. Think you can grab a share of that pie? Yes! What you'd want to do so you don't have to buy an inventory is to find a dropshipper. A dropshipper basically ships the products out on your behalf while you pocket the profits! Finding reliable dropshippers can be difficult, but one place to find good dropshippers is at the Worldwide Brands website.

    2) Freelancing

    Can you write? Or maybe you can create some of the best graphic designs at your workplace? Got a passion for programming? Then you can make some nice extra cash every month through freelancing! Companies are outsourcing more these days and are hiring more and more freelancers. In other words, the market is booming. Get in as fast as you can.

    3) Online Surveys

    Online surveys are also a big thing these days. But most people don't make more than a few dollars per month and soon give up. The trick with online surveys is to participate in as many as you can! After all, most of them are free to participate in. In the time it takes for an average person to complete an 8 hour work day, you can make up to twice what he made by just completing fun and easy surveys!

    4) Associated Content

    Associated Content is a website where you can submit content to earn cash. You can submit articles, videos or audio recordings. If your content is included in their library (it's not difficult to get in), you'll receive cash.

    5) Write A Short Report

    Create a report in a popular niche and sell it via Google Adwords. For those who are not aware, Adwords is a pay per click program. You advertise for clicks; when someone clicks on your ad in the Google search engine, you pay for the click. This can range from a few cents to a few dollars, depending on how popular the keyword is. The trick is to find untapped keywords that have a low cost per click. do you create your report? Simple, you can use Private Label Rights (PLR) content. PLR content is content you can edit and put your name on. You can use the content to create ebooks, reports or even segment them into articles.

    6) Freelancing For Instant Cash

    One way to make real fast money is by doing some quick freelancing work. Go to a site like Digital Point's forums or SitePoint. There'll often be people looking for help on some work they need. You can offer a helping hand on stuff like articles and graphic design (if you're inclined). It's easy to pick up some quick cash doing just a few hours of work.

    7) Quick Craigslist Profits

    What's Craigslist? Craigslist is the most visited classified ads site in the world today. It's a powerful tool for making fast money, and you don't need a product to do so. Find a hot selling affiliate product and advertise it in Craigslist. Use the right keywords in your listing and you'll be able to make quick affiliate commissions.

    8) Flip Domains For Quickfire Cash

    Domain flipping is the business model of buying popular domain names and reselling them for a profit. Keeping up to date with the latest news and trends is key to making some nice cash from this. Buy a domain name that's current and relevant (celebrity news can be a goldmine for domain name ideas) and resell it on eBay via the auction system.

  3. No one can "tell" you what business to run.  They can give you ideas, and you need to decide if the idea offered is for you or not.  Every idea can work, provided that you follow what the businesses tell you to do and you follow through with what they say.  If it's your own business, any can work provided that you work your business the right way and build it.  Having a business regardless if it's internet or not, take time to build.  You have to be willing to take the time it takes to build a successful business in whatever amount of time it takes to do that in and not give up.  I know quite a few people who have their own home based business both internet businesses as well as off the internet.  It works for them, because they made it work.  Businesses don't work by themselves, it takes you to work it.

    You asked for an idea in your detailed message, okay I'll give you one that works for me as well as many others.  It may not work for you if you dont' work it.  I collaborated with a 15 year old world wide company about 7 years ago.  So at the time it was only 9 years old.  It's the worlds largest direct selling telecommunications service provider.  They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc.  Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company.  Donald Trump has endorsed this company, uses the product and is heavely involved in this company.  Do you think businesses that Donald Trump is involved in works?  I think so!  Anyway, they market in services that people use every day and pay for anyway.  Such as local and long distance telephone services, Internet, digital and video phone services, Satellite TV as well as all major cellular phone providers such as T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Altell, Nextel etc.  You basically save people money on services that they are already using for and paying for each month, and can offer people services that they don't have.  After helping on an existing service, or putting someone on a new service, every single month these people pay their bills, you make a percentage.  One way that works to make some money in this industry.  There are other ways as well.  So my idea is look into the telecommunications industry.

  4. hi, you have information in this link:

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