
I want to run in a marathon next year?

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I never was a runner but I want to start now so that I will be ready for next year. Is it possible to get this done. What kind of training will I need to do to achieve this? I want to do a 10 mile one next may so any advise please help




  1. 8-9 months is plenty of time to get ready for a 10 mile marathon if you work at it.

    Run hard, run often. Don't kill yourself at it though- for a while you're going to be short of breath after even little runs- it's okay to take a breather! Just make sure you start running again. Because of injury, I am out of shape and just starting to run again, and I run about 3/4ths of a mile, the other 1/4 is in breaks throughout the mile. I'm getting in shape and hope to do a marathon early next year as well.

    Try running up hills- it will exhaust you at first but really raise your stamina and speed.

  2. do da train, no pain no game my frend

  3. One year preparation is just about right.  Ten mile race in May sounds like Broad Street in Philly.  You will need to start a training program - cool running, runners world have on line programs.

    First build a base.  Run 4 to 5 times a week.  You can and should start slow and easy.  Get a good pair of running shoes.  Rather then worry about miles at first run for time.  Run/walk ten minutes (or if you can do that a distance that challenges you but is not impossible).  Then over several weeks increase the time you run until you can run thirty minutes without stopping.

    What you will do over time is increase you weekly mileage and eventually you will do long runs on your days off.  You will need to work up to a three to four run (18 to 20 miles).

    One method (not without controversy) is the Galloway method which combines run/walk.

    Your May ten miler would be a good test.  It will get you involve with a doable distance.  You will learn how water stops work, pacing, and being in a large group of runners.

    Good luck.

  4. Well first of all, you may have to test your stamina (endurance) by running to a "checkpoint" and back and if you feel that you are not too well fit in your endurance, you might want to try a bicycle machine every day or just run to a "checkpoint".  Also you might not want to gain too much weight as that will alter your stamina.  Your speed is not too much of a concern.

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