
I want to run the New york Marathon?

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I am 31 years old, fairly out of shape, and- i'll admit it- over weight. I want to run the 2009 marathon. I figure if I can run 2 miles the first month, 4 the second etc I will be ready in time. Is this possible?





    JK, wouldn't suck if my answer was the only one you recieved.

    Seriously,  it's definately doable, especially if you want to do the 2009 and the 2008.  I actually think you could waddle the 2008, it's what most people do.  But i respect your plan to wait out for the 2009 it sounds like you really want to do well in it.  

    Your plan actually seems like good one, you just have to remember that you also have to include some days or weeks when you neeed to taper/ take it easy on your runs, so that your body can recover and be ready for what's next.  

    but if you stick to your plan, it'll work.  It comes down to dedication.  just remember  when you don't feel like getting out there and training that you can do it if you maintain your dedication.




  2. Good for you!  I would go to a specialty running store and get properly fitted for shoes (for foot type, pronation, gait, etc.).  This will help eliminate any possible injuries.  The trick is to not do too much too soon.

    When you start to run, start by doing the 10:1 walk/run program:

    You may get sore shins, knees, legs, etc.  This is normal for beginner runners, you have to keep in mind, these are muscles that have not been used in awhile and need to get conditioned.  After your runs, and if your sore, get an ice pack and ice your sore foot, knees, legs, whatever hurts, for 10-15minutes 3X/day and take advil if needed.  This will help keep the swelling/inflamation and soreness down.  

    Learn as much as you can about running, shoes, clothing, nutrition/hydration, etc.  They all play an important role on becoming a runner.  Pick up your self a running magazine, or get a book from the library (Run from Start to Finish - by John Stanton, any books by John Bingham aka the Penguin)

    If your not sure, join your local running club/or sign up for a learn to run clinic.  You will meet some amazing people.  They will help support you and motivate you.

    You were me 5 years ago.  Now I am a marathoner.  YES ITS POSSIBLE TO DO THE NYC MARATHON.  Go for it!

    another good link:,71...

  3. Yes. If you have a target, its easy to make you fit. Runners without legs, 60 year old runners did it, and i have seen also over weight people who run better than a normal person.

    Go ahead and run. Its the best.

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