
I want to runaway from home should i?

by Guest44928  |  earlier

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ive been abused, ive had to watch my parents physically fight, iv been neglected by my parents, and harassed by my own siblings.




  1. Do you have a grandparent, aunt or friend to stay with or talk to. I would say talk to a counselor at school but you may end up in foster care. Don't run away that never solves any thing.If you are at the age to get an after school job, do it. anything to spend less time a home do find someone to help you sort this out.

  2. Try to talk to your parents about it, or call childline on 0800 1111. Im sure you can sort things out.


  3. My personal advice? No you shouldnt. You wont get very far. I was abused my parents and i tried to run away several times but it comes to a point where you dont have money or a place to sleep etc..

    If you want to fix the situation think.

    What do you want out of all this? where do you want to be in a year in terms of your relationship with them?

    think about that and then think how do you think you can get there from here

  4. don't put up with their ****. if your dad touches your mom again, ******* shoot the ******. beat the **** out of whoever talks **** to you. don't let your siblings think they can **** around with you....

    once your done kicking ***, THEN run away!

    if you think i'm kidding....i'm not.  

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