
I want to see if everyone loves "Twilight"...?

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  1. my friends have read it, but i'm to lazy to pick up a book that big

  2. AMAZING! I read the second book yesterday... the whole freaking book, i couldn't put it down. They're so awesome, the characters are so real!

  3. I LOVED IT!

    best book ever

  4. i love all the books i sure books are all good!

    but i know that there are plenty of ppl who love it!

  5. LOVE IT!

  6. i love the whole sires!!!

    the forth one comes out in august!!!

    yay :-)) ^_^

  7. Yes, I even got my boyfriend reading He really likes it too!

  8. umm.... never heard of it...

  9. I prefer it to broad daylight I guess.

  10. Yes. Loving it, of course. Can't wait for Aug 2nd!

    EDIT: idkmybff: harsh at all? did you try reading it and talking about it with them? instead of being mad, you could all start reading another book together.

    Taytay: LOL...the words are kinda big, so it's not that big of a book...get the's lighter.

  11. i guess

  12. i would just like to voice my opinion and say that I HATE TWILIGHT WITH A PASSION, it took over all of my friends who for months wouldn't talk about anything else but twilight it's like the harry potter series but worse.  now i have the right to my own opinion and i'd like to tell all of you twilight obsessives that you should be cautious of your other friends' opinions


  13. i love twilight i was just on the website for it i was looking at the preview of the first chapter of the 4th book its going to be awesome

  14. Chick book!

  15. Yeah my sister read it in one night then she bought the second she's probably going to buy the third today.

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