
I want to see "real" UFO pictures. I don't just belive, I know there is UFO's flying around up there. "postit"

by  |  earlier

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Send me any UFO picture you have taken and not edited with a photo editing software. The internet doesn't have enough real ufo pictures. Also send me a little bit of info on the picture if possible. I will not use it, or show it if you send it to me through e-mail. I just wish I had a good camera :)




  1. What convinced you there are UFOs flying around up there?  I haven't seen anything to convince me extra-terrestrial UFOs are visiting this planet.  I've seen plenty of evidence that they aren't all the time.

  2. So how do you define a 'real' UFO given that a UFO is any flying object which is yet to be identified?

  3. First of all bro, if your looking for Real UFO pictures then do not look in the internet for them!!. If you want to see the real ones then your going to have to go to your nearest MUFON meeting and see them there. Most people become skeptical b/c they see humiliating videos like those stupid youtube videos. C'mon there are hundreds of real footage but your going to have to look for them yourself.  

    try       -----> search our database-------> browse around and look for some pics... do you want to see one which was caught during the Wildfires in Southern California. alright you go to --->ufo case files---->Search UFO Database---->event state: california----->south------->san diego------>the 4th one down------> look at the pictures,,,            

    I wonder why UFO's are spotted more often in a natural disaster, the wildfires is no different. Look at the tsunami that happened in 2004, many people spotted ufos in the sky, and when earthquakes happen, many ufos are spotted throughout the sky,,???

  4. I've been searching,probably longer then you've been alive.I hope you have better luck then me.

  5. President Bush stole my UFO pictures.

  6. sory i not provide pics

    but those who have knowlege dont need proof such as myself

    when u know the aleins are here, the balk gov has reverse engeenred there craft based on atigravity, for a fact

    pictures dotn mean nothing real or not

    plus  with todays  video editinting softaware and cumputing power is its almost no way of knowing withc one is a real or not

  7. I have a pic from one spotted on a drive to roswell of all places.. Crazy day as I was then hit by a fierce lightning/hail storm that was un-world-ly.  The quality is to poor to send you as the object is only in one corner of the huge blue and partly cloudy sky.  Think they are probably well aware of us in most cases before we getting a good shot is gonna be close to impossible, I wouldn't hold your breathe. Have you checked out the database the France govt. just posted of all/some their info on the matter?

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