
I want to see snow in UK in this summer, is there any hill or mountain in any place in UK?

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I want to see snow in UK in this summer, is there any hill or mountain in any place in UK?




  1. Try hiring a snow machine.

    Why do you want to see snow in the summer? Isn't the rain enough for you??

  2. Some of the higher Scottish mountains still had pockets of snow a few weeks ago, can't say I've paid much attention over the last week.

    I can see Lochnagar from upstairs normally but it is raining and low cloud so can't check for you.

  3. the only mountain what i can think of it the moors

  4. No. I don't think you'll see any snow. Sometimes we don't even have snow in the winter and when we do we only have about a cm! Sorry! Where are you going?

  5. Manchester. yes, really.

  6. Plenty of the mountains in Northern Scotland have snow all the year round . Ben Nevis near Fort William is your best bet .Snow pockets lie usually in the corries where the sun does not access .

  7. Try the Snowdome at Tamworth in the West Midlands. It'll be the nearest you'll get to seeing snow in the UK - and you can go skiing!

  8. I sincerely doubt that you will be able to see any snow anywhere in the UK during the summer...we hardly get any during the winter let alone the summer...unless of course, it's that stuff you snort up your nose!

    If you are very lucky you may be able to see some snow up in Scotland...check this site for further information...

  9. The nearest snow is in either Norway or Iceland.

  10. We hardly have snow in the winter let alone the summer.

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