
I want to seem more "sophisticated" and "cultured" in social circles...what to do?

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I want to seem more "sophisticated" and "cultured" in social circles...what to do?




  1. wear conservative clothes and the right jewelry to go with them. Sit and walk like women. Read novels and keep knowledge about the current events. Talk about them with others. Smile when needed. Say thank you gracefully when someone helps you or opens the door for u. When talking in a group make eye contact with everyone so that u dont make anybody feel they are left out.

    always avoid clothes that are made for body show. they really upset people. remember u want to be respected.

  2. Read books and listen to music. These two alone bring about millions of things to talk about. People who know literature are surely cultured, and music as well. Be confident and always be open to listen to what people have to say because later, you can pass on what you learned from them and that's also considered culture.

  3. Read the newspaper to be up on current events. Know what is going on in politics and the economy. Most conversations will revolve around those topics initially.

  4. Say less, and choose what you say carefully - people assume alot about other people, and the less you say the more they make up in their own heads - instead, influence their opinions of you with your appearance and let them fill in the gaps. Move slowly/without haste, in a calculated fashion - intentionally! Less likely to appear clumsy or actually be clumsy (if that's an issue for you).

    a great man once said that the measure of someone is how they treat those that they don't *have* to treat well - make sure you are considerate and kind to those around you. That way you will garner real respect, and that is worth more than anything else when making impressions!

  5. Lol. That's not something you can learn like mathematics. How you appear to others has mainly to do with how you feel about yourself and what your attitude toward other people is.

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