
I want to sell my Wii. Is it worth it or should I just keep it?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna sell my wii, but I'm really worried that I wont because i don't have the box. I have everything like the manuals and warranty. The wii is in mint condition too. I would also include like a bunch of games and even those component cables for hdtv, as well as the controllers and all the technical stuff. Do you think I have a chance selling it on craigslist or gamestop for that matter? Im looking to buy a ps3, because there are a lot of good games coming out on it soon.




  1. Well not alot of people are tyying to get one now so i owuld say no keep it no one will want it like everyone has a wii now and they have gone down in price.

  2. Not having the box shouldn't be that much of a problem. You have nothing to lose by putting up a craigslist ad. Depending on how scarce Wiis are in your area, you might even get what you paid for it. Figure out what your asking price is, and pad it by $20 or so because craigslist buyers love to haggle. If you don't get any buyers, post another ad a week later and drop the price by $50. Try to get a local buyer, ads for things over $200 really bring out the scammers. If you have the time, you'll get more money selling the games separately on ebay or amazon. Don't bother with game stop, you'll get more for it selling it on your own.  

  3. I think u should goto eBay, u can sell c**p on there if u wanted to(wich i hope u dont) And someone would buy it! But really just goto an office store and ask for a box with some packing peanuts!or bubble wrap wichever u prefer...   HOPE I HELPED!

  4. You can sell your system at gamestop it just wont mater on mint conditon.

    its already a set price in the comptuer itself. no you dont need the box. as gamestop puts it into there own

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