
I want to sell my ps2 and games. ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to sell my ps2 and games. If I want to sell my console (old not slim), 10 games, and 2 controllers. How much would I get if I traded all this into gamestop. please dont hesitate to do some math and help me out here.




  1. if they are new and popular games the probably $50. gamestop is very cheap!

  2. well i would just put it on ebay for a bid!!

  3. Depends on the games probally not much because game stop rips you off but probally around a total of 70 bucks  if your lucky

  4. Depends on the condition and what games. Probably no more than $80 I should think. It will be slightly more for trade in than cash

  5. Gamestop cheats you out of your trade. They hardly give you anything. I would put it on Ebay. You have a better chance to get more money!

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