
I want to sell things on the street but don't know if I need a permit...?

by  |  earlier

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I tried to look up the info but haven't gotten far. I want to know what is safe to sell without a permit, is there a list, and if I need to get a permit how would I go about doing it. I don't want to join some group. My friends and I just want to be able to go outside, set up and sell without a problem. We don't want to be arrested and want to do things the safe way. Could anyone help at all. I have been to many websites. If any of you have a site that actually helps I will be very happy. Thank You.




  1. If you need a permit would vary by city/county.

    The bigger thing you also need to worry about is sales tax.  If your selling, you are responsible for adding sales tax to the sale price and collecting it and sending it to your state.  The perk to this is you now get to purchase what your reselling sales tax free.

    Most of the time, the state will go after you for sales tax, doesn't matter if you collected it, you still owe it.

    Of course this wouldn't apply if your in a state that doesn't charge sales tax (isn't there still one state that doesn't?).

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