
I want to send my son to the local nursery, its RC and i am C of E will they let him attend ?

by  |  earlier

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its the nearest nursery school and i may not send him to that Infant school though.........




  1. they should because it's not really about you it's about the kid

  2. Of course they will! I taught for 8 years in Catholic school, and even in the 5th grade I had a Presbyterian, a Greek Orthodox, two Muslims, and a Hindu. Just be aware that they will be teaching according to Catholicism, not C of E, whatever that is. Most RC teachers focus more on Jesus and mass rather than the Pope, though.

    I also know someone who is Catholic, but sends her kids to a Jewish daycare. at Hanukkah, they make menorahs and dreidels. They go to synagogue every Friday and learn what goes on there, so she doesn't send them on Fridays. Personally, I'd like them to have the experience.

  3. It really depends on their own particular rules. However if they are not full up they must let him join or they can get done for discrimination! good luck x

  4. I'm not sure what RC or C of E is but just call and ask them if your son can attend. Good luck :-)

  5. Yes now catholic schools have to let in other faiths, but this could depend on how full they are.  Also you may have to agree to your son saying prayers as these schools say prayers up to 3 times in a school day and also visit church a lot.

  6. All i know is that I went to a C of E primary school and I was baptized RC. Sorry i cant help you more.

  7. The only way you will know for sure is to ask them.  Where I live he would probably be able to attend, but rules vary about things like that.  So ask them and then you will know for sure.

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