
I want to sing?

by Guest33252  |  earlier

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i want to be able to sing maybe infront of an audience i have a good voice some most of the time i usualy have to excercise though. but i dont play any instruments and my voice wud be pretty bland on its own and i dont know anyone who plays an instrument that wud start a band with me. what should i do




  1. As a former voice teacher for 22 years and as a singer for 44 years, I would encourage you to find a good voice teacher in your town. They can help prepare your voice for working consistently and teach you how to breathe properly so as not to ruin your vocal cords. Most teachers are willing to work on  a variety of music genres with you. They can help prepare you for auditions and may know where to send you for situations just like that. Before joining a band or anything, work solely on your own voice. Who knows? You may be better flying solo.

    We have an interesting music school in the Kansas City area that provides band and ensemble experiences once the private student is of a capable level. This provides practical application of the skills they learn in individual lessons. Then they go out and perform around the city. Depending on where you live, you may find something similar.

  2. Take some voice lessons. I don't think you necessarily have to learn to play an instrument, even if you are only interested in pop and rock. There are plenty of mainstream singers who dance or just stand there or whatever while the band plays behind them, like the American Idol types. Check out a local community music school, see if anyone there teaches the style of singing you're most interested in (if not the voice teachers there should know of someone else in town who does), and if your heart's desire is really to be a member of a band, or to write songs and accompany yourself on the piano, get started learning guitar or piano or whatever as well. Good luck!!

  3. Go to a voice teacher. That will help you in the voice department. As for starting a band, maybe learn to play the piano, so you have some skills. I'm sure you could find other people that play instruments.
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