
I want to sleep better?

by  |  earlier

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i need tips on how to sleep better, im 17 i go to bed at 10pm and get up at 5:30am for school, im groggy, tired, and sometimes dont get up until i hear the bus passing by. i have bags under my eyes when i wake up, every single night no matter the amount slept.




  1. One thing I do, which is a little lady like but oh well, if you really want help, you'll try it. Is I use Lavender Linen spray, Lavender is relaxing which is why you often you see Lavender bath products. I had horrible insomnia but no desire to take medications. A friend recommended the linen spray and it works great. I usually spray it every time I change my sheets and occasionally about 10 minutes before bed. You can find it almost any where, I'd try Rite Aid, Walgreens, any type of drug stores and any brand will do. Good luck.

  2. There are a few things you can try:

    1) get to bed 30 minutes earlier

    2) Make the last hour before bed a ritualistic one filled with simple things like getting your books and clothes ready for the morning, taking a hot shower (doubly good so you won't have to do that in the morning and you can sleep an extra 15) and if you have time, read a book or mag not related to school.

    3) If thoughts that disturb sleep come into your head as you try to fall asleep say out loud STOP and then think of the most boring thing ever or something that involves a process like changing a car tire and mentally go thru it.  That will switch gears and allow your mind to drift off to sleep.

    4)  Make sure your bed and pillows are comfy.  Make your bed every day even if you have to do it right before getting into it and fluff up crushed pillows.  That way you won't struggle with rumply sheets and trying to find a comfy spot.

    5) Turn off the radio and TV.

    6)  Do not eat or exercise within three hours of the time you hit the sack.  

    If you can wind down, have a calm mind and place to rest and be well prepared for the morning, you will find yourself sleeping better.

    Oh yeah - no dogs or cats in bed and set your alarm clock for a realistic time to get up and not so you hit snooze 4 or 5 times.

  3. I use to have the same problem a few years back the answer sounds crazy change your diet to more fruits and vegetables and drink more water...  In about a week you should find better more restful sleep

  4. Youre just not a morning person, neither am I.

    Its normal, and you can't really do anything about it.

  5. I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping and the best thing I've found for it is getting more physical activity.  Make the time to go for a walk for half an hour before supper, even though time may seem really tight.  You'll probably grow out of it a bit too. In college, you learn to sleep whenever and where ever you can, so you'll probably learn to sleep more deeply at that time.

  6. I'd drink chamomile tea and/or listen to relaxing New Age music before going to bed. I would also work on relaxation-based meditation before going to bed. It's a great way to get good sleep. At least it works for me :D

  7. you need eight hours of sleep to be well rested. thats only 7 hours?

    go to bed at 9.

  8. here's the best answer but pls vote ..... just tell any one of ur family member to rub ur belly slowly......realy it's not a joke help the person to stop snoring and a better sleep's a scientific fact...really

  9. Stop watching television or playing video games at least an hour before bedtime. Your mind needs time to adjust from the frenetic images and sounds of television to the calming influences of the bedroom. Reading a few chapters in a book, listening to soothing music or having a pleasant conversation are preferable to shifting suddenly from a high stimulus to dead silence.

    Try not to eat spicy or heavy foods just before going to sleep. Digestion of food slows down considerably while sleeping, but gases still form. Many people are awakened in the middle of the night by the effects of acid reflux or a bloated stomach. Time spent treating the problem medically is time spent not sleeping. Getting back to sleep after a bout of indigestion can be very difficult. Try taking an antacid medication before going to bed on a full stomach.

    Eating within two hours of bedtime is not a good habit in general. Substitute a late night snack for warm milk or decaffeinated tea.

    Listen to your body's cycle, not necessarily the clock. Lying restless in bed as the hours tick away is no way to get meaningful sleep. If you aren't tired at your prescribed bedtime, wait until you are definitely showing signs of sleepiness before getting into bed. Many people who work unusual hours or swing shifts find they get more meaningful sleep by taking shorter naps when tired. Others adjust their sleeping hours over time to eventually match an ideal schedule.

    Take sleep aids at the right time. Some people find it easier to get quality sleep after taking a drowsiness medication. The problem is that the pills must be taken at a certain time in order to be effective, generally an hour before bedtime. Taking sleeping pills right before bedtime can still result in a few hours of restlessness until the medication takes effect. Don't be afraid to take a full dosage if you are sleep-deprived and have the extra time to devote to sleeping. Sleep aids will put you into a very deep sleep cycle, which may mean having at least two methods for waking up in the morning.

    Try earplugs, white noise generators and eye masks. Sleep is a result of many different processes happening all at once.

  10. Get a better mattress.  I don't really know what else to say besides that.

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